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PHP Performance Monitoring: A Developer's Guide

As applications are getting more complex, it’s becoming harder to deliver high-quality applications. Tools like Application Performance Monitoring (APM) are essential for the development process. To get good performance data, developers need to deal with the rising trends of containerization, microservices, heterogeneous cloud services, and big data.

Sysdig and Falco now powered by eBPF.

At Sysdig we’ve recently undergone a pretty interesting shift in our core instrumentation technology, adapting our agent to take advantage of eBPF – a core part of the Linux kernel. Sysdig now supports eBPF as an alternative to our Sysdig kernel module-based architecture. Today we are excited to share more details about our integration and the inner workings of eBPF. To celebrate this exciting technology we’re publishing a series of articles entirely dedicated to eBPF.

Making The Most Out of Your Performance Monitoring Investments in 2019

Our recent webinar on 2019 Performance and Management Trends and Insights featured Nancy Gohring, Senior Analyst at 451 Research and Darren Cunningham, VP of Marketing at OpsRamp. The webinar reviewed key findings from recent surveys on performance monitoring and how IT automation investments (artificial intelligence and machine learning) are helping enterprises combat the twin problems of alert fatigue and incident downtime.

Introducing container observability with eBPF and Sysdig.

Today we’ve announced that we’ve officially added eBPF instrumentation to extend container observability with Sysdig monitoring, security and forensics solutions. eBPF – extended Berkeley Packet Filter – is a Linux-native in-kernel virtual machine that enables secure, low-overhead tracing for application performance and event observability and analysis.

The 3 main reasons Queens chose Mattermost over Slack for enterprise messaging

At Queens, we’ve been dressing people from head to toe in the best streetwear and sneakers for the last 15 years. We are a global ecommerce company that also has three brick-and-mortar stores in the Czech Republic, which is where we come from. What started out as a thrift store with just a few pieces of clothing is now a company with 50 employees in three different locations and €7 million in annual turnover.

Monitoring Azure Activity Logs with Logz.io

In a previous post, we introduced a new integration with Microsoft Azure that makes it easy to ship Azure logs and metrics into Logz.io using a ready-made deployment template. Once in Logz.io, this data can be analyzed using the advanced analytics tools Logz.io has to offer — you can query the data, create visualizations and dashboards, and create alerts to get notified when something out of the ordinary occurs.

From SLA to XLA: Rethinking End-User KPIs

The 1980s was a period that set the ball rolling for many aspects of the technology that we are using today. Personal computers, such as the BBC Micro and similar devices, introduced the world in general to the power and potential of IT – a capability that has grown massively in sophistication and capability, to the point that it has become fundamental to many aspects of life at work and at home.

Browser vulnerabilities: Securing against the inevitable

Web browsers have revolutionized the way we use the internet. They’ve escalated employee productivity, but have also opened up organizations to a plethora of security loopholes. Browsers are the easiest point of entry for hackers to exploit a system because they contain vulnerable components like plug-ins and cookies.

How to Strengthen Security on Windows 10 Networks

The Windows 10 operating system has had a reputation for poor design and lax practices on information privacy and security for some time. It’s debatable exactly how bad the OS actually is or isn’t in this regard. In this article, we’ll be exploring some methodologies and best practices for hardening the security status of your Windows 10 workstations and network configuration.