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Monitoring policy system in Pandora FMS. What they are like, what they are and where to find them

“Monitoring policy system”, “monitoring policy system”, “monitoring policy system”… As much as you repeat it, it still sounds boring, unappetizing and expensive. But you have to admit that an in-depth contact with the monitoring policy system, especially the system that concerns you, is also useful, convenient and practical after all. Therefore, to benefit you, we will start today with the policies in Pandora FMS.

LogicMonitor Recognized in the 2018 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Network Performance Monitoring and Diagnostics for the First Time

We’re excited to share that Gartner, Inc. has positioned LogicMonitor in the 2018 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Network Performance Monitoring and Diagnostics* (NPMD) for the first time in the quadrant’s history.

AWS Costs: Surprise, Surprise? It Shouldn't Be!

A recent article by The Information: As AWS Use Soars, Companies Surprised by Cloud Bills was very interesting and worth a read. The authors examined the AWS spending patterns of five large companies to demonstrate that all were way over budget as it related to AWS spend. They reference Pinterest “spending roughly $190 million on AWS last year, $20 million more than it had initially expected... and Adobe’s bill rose 64%, while Capital One’s jumped 73%; Pinterest’s rose 41%...

ContainerD meets Sysdig

Containers are fast becoming the defacto standard as a building block for creating and deploying applications. Containerization allows development teams to have consistent environments, cost optimizations, isolation, and versatility, in general. The open-source Containerd project is a critical component for the modern cloud-native containerized landscape, providing a runtime that is widely used in millions of applications every day.

The next chapter: announcing the EOL schedule for Sensu Core 1.x and Sensu Enterprise 3.x

In case you missed it, Sensu Go became generally available in December 2018, and commercial support for Sensu Go became generally available just last month. With these major milestones now in our rearview mirror, it's time to help our customers reach their own milestones of migrating from Sensu to Sensu Go.

BubbleUp Meets Tracing (and Other Odd-shaped Data)

A few weeks ago, BubbleUp came out of Beta. We’ve been getting fantastic user feedback on how BubbleUp helps users speed through the Core Analysis Loop and lets people find things they never could have found before. We’ve also been learning more about how BubbleUp works with Tracing, which unearthed some difficult issues. Today, we’re taking those head on.

5 Benefits to Run Elastic Stack in the Cloud

Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana — the trio better known as Elastic Stack (or ELK, if you prefer a term that is now going out of style), make up a powerful set of tools for searching and analyzing data. Their power derives not just from their technical features, but also the fact that Elastic Stack is an open source platform that anyone can download and set up anywhere.

How the kubernetes community responded to the k3s launch

What an amazing first week! I’ve been marketing open source technologies for over 15 years. During that time, I’ve been involved in many new product releases. Nothing comes close to the response we’ve had from k3s – http://k3s.io. Judging by the incredible feedback (including over 4,500 GitHub stars in one week), the release of k3s appears to have landed at exactly the right time.