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Web Frameworks Implication for Serverless Cold Starts

In the world of web applications, Web Frameworks (WF) existed for a very long time. Traditional WF existed in a world without the notion of microservices, let alone the notion of serverless. Many first-time serverless users use WF to ease the transition into the ecosystem, sometimes unaware of its effect on the performance. The following post focuses on potential cold start issues when using WF in the NodeJS ecosystem.

K8S is the Kernel

One of my former teammates approached me the other day (and by other day i mean like 3 months ago) and asked ‘Am I thinking about this right? Kubernetes is actually akin to the Linux Kernel. So Rancher and OpenShift are distributions of Kubernetes. And for a supported enterprise application I’m more likely to use a more enterprise focused distribution than a DIY distribution, yeah?’ To which I responded ‘Yep, you hit the nail on the head’.

Support Your Customers More Effectively with Honeycomb

Customer success can be a serious differentiator and competitive advantage for companies today. Everyone wants to ship quality products to their customers faster, and the rise of subscription-based pricing and SaaS applications in the last decade means that ensuring customer success is a more critical part of the business than ever.

Introducing Interactive Slack Notifications

Quickly responding to new, reactivated, and otherwise important exceptions is a critical part of adopting continuous delivery and other DevOps best practices. Rollbar provides code version-specific dashboards and a live feed for proactively monitoring for exceptions during a deploy, but for those exceptions that happen when you aren't actively watching Rollbar, our Slack integration is the most popular way to get real-time alerts.

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Serverless error monitoring: Strategies you can use

If you're thinking of running a serverless setup, congratulations! But...that means you're running a distributed system. With all the benefits and simplicities that come with going serverless comes this tradeoff: You potentially also have some increases in complexity. Distributed systems are, by their nature, complex. With partitions, you're communicating over a network that's potentially unreliable and can't be trusted. Which means that monitoring your application errors is going to be especially important.

Lambda Deployment Frameworks Compared

With AWS Lambda, deploying a new version of our application has never been simpler. However, we still need to take care of some underlying plumbing. Such as managing the configuration for our functions as well as other related resources such as API Gateway, CloudWatch log groups and IAM policies. Depending on the event sources you would like to use, you also need to provision the necessary EventSourceMapping in order to use Lambda with the likes of Kinesis Streams and SQS.

How to Migrate from Hipchat to Mattermost

In July 2018, privacy-conscious organizations found out that Hipchat would be decommissioned in 2019. Since many of these companies operate in highly regulated environments, they are unable to use popular SaaS messaging products that host sensitive data on third-party servers. With Hipchat rapidly reaching its end-of-life, these organizations are looking for a secure and modern messaging platform that can be hosted on-premises in their own data centers, behind a firewall.