Cloud, microservices, Kubernetes — all these bleeding-edge technologies revolutionizing the way applications are built and deployed are also a huge security headache. Modern IT environments are increasingly comprised of more and more components and layers, each of generating growing amounts of data. In most organizations, more data is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it gives teams more visibility into their environment.
In my role at Grafana Labs, I speak with a lot of engineers who feel the pain of their organizations’ lack of consolidated observability – so much so they set out to solve the problem themselves. Often, that search leads to Grafana, and after a quick exploration of what an enterprise feature or cloud solution can provide, they’ll get in touch. We work with them on data collection and help them start a trial.
Visa have reported a new security alert for an advanced, self-cleaning, JavaScript skimmer named Pipka. The security researchers at Visa’s Payment Fraud Disruptions (PFD) discovered the skimmer in September earlier this year. The skimmer was first seen on a North American ecommerce website which had previously been infected with a different skimmer, Inter. Visa have now identified another 16 additional sites with hosting the Pipka code.
We are delighted to announce the availability of SquaredUp for SCOM version 4.4. We have been rather busy at SquaredUp recently having just launched our new SquaredUp for Azure product. But we haven’t forgotten SCOM, far from it! And so SquaredUp for SCOM version 4.4 is now ready for prime time (note that we are calling it SquaredUp for SCOM to distinguish it from its new younger sibling).
Google Cloud Run is a serverless compute platform that automatically scales your stateless containers. In this post we are going to showcase how to secure the entire lifecycle of your Cloud Run services. Sysdig provides a secure DevOps workflow for Cloud Run Platforms that embeds security, maximizes availability and validates compliance across the serverless lifecycle. Sysdig Secure Devops Platform is open by design, with the scale, performance and usability enterprises demand.
Now that GitHub Actions version 2 is out of Beta and available for general use, how can you start managing your Artifactory repositories in your automated DevOps workflows? Who will save your binaries in distress? Never fear, JFrog is here! A new Action has joined the GitHub Marketplace that enables you to use the JFrog CLI in your GitHub Actions workflows to move your builds through development, test, and release.
AWS recently launched the Serverless Event Bus, AWS EventBridge. Some have described it as an extension of CloudWatch Events, while others say it is provides the same features as AWS SNS. So, what exactly is EventBridge? And how does it fit into the existing AWS serverless ecosystem?
Did you know ringtones in the PagerDuty mobile app are one of the most-requested features customers contact us about? And have you ever wondered what makes a good ringtone and how we come up with them? Imagine the following: You’re on an on-call rotation with no end in sight. There might be a trusted responder you can page in for help, but they’re already burnt out. The Incident Commander won’t be any assistance, because you are the Incident Commander.
There’s been a fair bit of buzz lately about OpenTelemetry, which is the next major version of the OpenTracing and OpenCensus projects. The leadership of those two projects have come together to create OpenTelemetry, which combines the best parts of OpenTracing and OpenCensus to create one open source project to help with your instrumentation needs.