Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


PagerDuty Drives Digital Operations for Atlassian Users

IT Operations, DevOps, and Developer teams count on PagerDuty’s 300+ integrations to power their end-to-end real-time digital operations, no matter which tool stack they use. Because PagerDuty’s customers span all sizes, industries, and digital maturity levels, our product team is constantly talking to customers about which tools they use for needs like communications, APM, and IT Service Management (ITSM).

Simplifying security auditing, part 5: Detecting network attacks

Anyone trying to access resources in your network needs to interact with your network devices: firewalls, routers, switches, and IDS/IPSs. Each of these devices generate syslogs that contain important security information and must be audited to gain complete visibility into the activities occurring in your network. Most SIEM solutions, including our own Log360, can collect and analyze syslogs in real time and instantly alert security teams if any security event of interest occurs.

Reduce Noise in Your DevOps Toolchain

In an ideal world, your DevOps toolchain would be highly automated for incident management and allow your teams to resolve issues at DevOps speed. An alert triggered by monitoring tools like Datadog or AWS Cloudwatch would notify on-call engineers, kick your collaboration tools into gear (ChatOps, StatusPage, etc), and automatically document the issue in ITSM and ticketing tools.

The challenges of choosing an APM tool

How do you choose an APM tool? You search online and you see there is a lot of choice. But you can only choose one. And it's a big decision. You need to find a tool that can monitor your crown jewel applications. You know that the cost of an APM tool is high. And you know that it's going to be a challenging and lengthy process to implement it.

You've been thinking of Serverless all wrong!

While working for Dashbird.io I’ve had to pleasure to come in contact with a number of serverless early adopters that included both small companies working on apps or just testing ideas as well as fortune 500 companies with an already established user base. What I’ve found is that a lot the people I speak to think of serverless as a shortcut to developing software but that’s just not the case.

USE, RED and real world PgBouncer monitoring

Brendan Gregg’s USE (Utilization, Saturation, Errors) method for monitoring is quite known. There are even some monitoring dashboard templates shared on the Internet. There’s also Tom Wilkie’s RED (Rate, Errors, Durations) method, which is suggested to be better suited to monitor microservices than USE. We, at okmeter.io, recently updated our PgBouncer monitoring plugin and while doing that we’ve tried to comb everything and we used USE and RED as frameworks to do so.

How to Monitor Azure Services with Sumo Logic

This week at the Microsoft Ignite, we unveiled two new Sumo Logic applications for Microsoft Azure services — Azure SQL Database and Azure Active Directory — and two new native integrations with Azure Monitor and Blob Storage. As a cloud-native company, our goal at Sumo Logic is to give our customers the flexibility to create digital IT and DevOps initiatives that leverage multi-cloud deployments in Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Microsoft Azure.