Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Exception Perceptions: Automate Your Workflow with Probot for GitHub Apps

On this episode of Exception Perceptions, GitHub Community Engineer Bex Warner stopped by to chat about Probot, a framework for automating GitHub. Watch the episode, and then read what else Bex has to say about the magic of Probot. Also, check out this example of what Sentry has built with Probot.

Zapier Set Ups - Automatically export uptime data to Google Sheets

Ever wanted to keep a backup of StatusCake data without manual entry or usage of the API? This article will take you through a different and automated method of doing so for the Up and Down test alerts. This is done with the help of the Zapier service, and the data will be stored in Google Sheets.

Grafana as a Yet Another Tool for Technical Monitoring of Software Products We Build

One more article in Logicify Monitoring Tools series talks about Grafana, a software we use both for internal and external projects to visualize and analyze the data. The article could be of interest to CTOs, developers and DevOps, system administrators and Project Managers, and everyone interested.

Service Watch - Real User Monitoring for Office 365, SaaS Apps

Exoprise has long dedicated itself to excellence when it comes to synthetic (active) monitoring for cloud services like Office 365. But sometimes customers want to monitor an application that we might not support, a custom in-house application, or they want to get the perspective of an end-user that is on the road or telecommuting. That’s where our new Service Watch can come in handy.

The Best Office 365 Monitoring Now With Office 365 Reporting

Exoprise, the leader in Office 365 end-to-end monitoring, recently launched built-in reporting for Office 365. Now, the best cloud monitoring solutions includes usage, audit, activity, threat and health reporting too. No other vendor goes as deep or as wide for complete coverage of ALL of Your Office 365 operations.

Skype Monitoring: Conferences, Video - We Heard You Loud & Clear!

For as long as we’ve had Skype Audio and Message monitoring sensors, customers have said “Where’s the Skype Conferencing Sensor?” or “Where’s the video, I want the video!”. We understand — customers always want more magic. Even when we looked for feedback of how they they might expect Skype monitoring for Conferences to work, no-one really knew. They left that part up to us.