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How to Stream Sensor Data with Grafana and InfluxDB

Building dashboards that show real-time streaming data and allow for interactive queries is challenging. At the recent InfluxDays conference in San Francisco, Ryan McKinley, Grafana Labs VP of Applications, discussed new approaches to integrate real-time data into Grafana dashboards. Prior to joining Grafana, McKinley worked at a renewable energy startup, Natel Energy, which builds hydropower turbines. There, he used Grafana and Influx to display an overview of how the systems were working.

Rancher Labs Industry Survey Shows Rapid Adoption of Containers and Kubernetes, But Challenges Remain

To get an accurate picture of the current state of Kubernetes deployments, Rancher Labs recently conducted an industry survey that included 1,106 respondents from large and small enterprises across a broad range of more than 25 industries, including technology, financial services, telecom, education, government and healthcare. The respondents were almost evenly split among EMEA and North America and included both Rancher and non-Rancher users.

The State of Unplanned Work: Key Findings

It’s a new world order: Skynet has taken over. Just kidding. But it sometimes feels that way, doesn’t it? In the words of Marc Andreessen, software is eating the world, and technology problems are now business problems. This means developers are now the architects of the digital experience and, by extension, the customer experience—and when said developers are unable to innovate quickly, companies are more exposed to competitive threats.

Why Escalations are Important to Clinical Communications

Unexpected events make the healthcare profession one of the most challenging industries to navigate and plan for. Sudden, abrupt patient situations tend to occur, increasing the workload of healthcare providers. Similar, process efficiencies and productivity are a reflection of the care team’s ability to communicate. When teams are on the same page, patient wait times are significantly reduced and results are improved.

Top 10 best practices of Cloud SIEM

Nowadays, it’s not uncommon to see enterprise IT leaders in a situation that seems like a catch 22. Oftentimes, they are expected to be involved in making data-driven decisions for augmenting productivity and profitability. Paradoxically, they are preoccupied with what they consider as their core responsibilities – applying best practices to safeguard the IT infrastructure and expediting investigations when incidents occur.

How Our Customers Get 80% Response Rates From Employee Surveys

You can’t really blame most people for thinking employee surveys are a lost cause. Survey fatigue is a real thing, and every organization has its unique red tape when it comes to data collection and HR policy. If you can even manage to convince your employees to respond to that well-crafted questionnaire, how do you separate the signal from the noise and operationalize this information for ITOps?

We're Honored: Bank of America Recognizes JFrog for Enterprise DevOps Innovation

Being innovative is like being handsome. It only counts when others think so. When Bank of America honors you for being innovative and improving how their 30,000 developers perform, it’s a very handsome compliment. At the 11th Bank of America Technology Innovation Summit, JFrog was recognized for industrial leadership and excellence in providing global business solutions. This year, JFrog was one of only two technology companies honored for its strong partnership with the firm.

Icinga for Windows - RC available

During the past years we made plenty of contributions to improve the current state of the Windows monitoring. We tried to improve the actual installation with the Icinga 2 Powershell Module, allowing users to easier automate installation and configuration of Icinga 2. On a long term we however wanted to improve the monitoring of Windows infrastructures entirely, by not only providing new plugins but also to increase the contribution by the community.

RetroDuty: How We Scale Continuous Improvement Beyond Engineering at PagerDuty

If you’ve worked on a team that has adopted Agile techniques, you’ve probably heard of a retrospective. If not, here’s the TL;DR: A retrospective is a meeting in which a team connects regularly to reflect on what happens throughout a project and continuously improve how they work moving forward.