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Striking a balance between speed and quality in continuous delivery

Over the past few years, we have accelerated into a fast-paced ‘everything now’ era. Endless tech-powered innovations are giving customers more choices than ever before. When developing new products and features, continuous delivery and rapid software release cycles are now the norms. Enterprises have to adapt, improve, and deliver solutions faster to stay competitive and meet changing customer needs.

How to leverage SIEM to meet the GDPR's requirements

Today’s businesses run on data. From getting customer information for payment, processing employee information for payroll, using publicly available data for targeted advertising, to tracking people’s behavior for marketing, data has become the power center of organizations. But with this increased emphasis on data, organizations are now burdened with greater responsibilities.

Amazon ECS or EKS? AppDynamics Supports Both

For enterprises that containerize their applications and want a simple way to deploy them in AWS, ECS is a good option. Or perhaps EKS would work best for you. And then there’s the EC2 vs. Fargate question. Decisions, decisions! Whichever path you choose, it’s easy to monitor your applications with AppDynamics.

Software as a Service (SaaS) vs. Software as a Product (SaaP)

As you might have already guessed, the SaaS definition is "Software as a Service". This type of software is being delivered online via a browser and is hosted by the software vendor or another third party. A regular monthly fee is being charged for the use. On rare ocasions there are one time payment deals. The vendor of the web-based solution delivers a service that covers all security, availability and performance standards.

5 ways to make the most of Jira Software and Bitbucket

In a recent study of software development teams using Jira Software, we found those that integrate with Bitbucket release 14% faster than those that don’t. For many industries where the pace of change is rapid and the market incredibly competitive, it’s this speed that can separate the great products in the eyes of users from the merely “good” ones.