Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Building Automated Monitoring with Icinga and OpsGenie

How many servers can be managed by one system administrator? This question is pretty hard to answer since it depends decisively on the tasks that need to be operated. It is clear, however, that the amount of servers one engineer can manage has increased tremendously over the time, and is still growing. Public and private clouds, in combination with automation tools, enables us to automate many daily tasks. In a modern IT infrastructure almost everything can, and should, be automated.

Relevance and Ownership of Issues in Sentry 9

With Sentry 9, our goal is to increase the relevance of the information you see in Sentry in order to speed up your time to resolution, while also making the process of fixing application issues less annoying for everyone involved. How are we accomplishing this? We’ve increased our focus on Ownership of issues: expanding your ability to control who owns what in your Projects, while expanding the power of teams and individuals to take action with that ownership.

Honeycomb goes Serverless: Send your app data without running agents

Serverless apps are growing in popularity, thanks to tools like AWS API Gateway and Lambda, and a growing number of powerful frameworks that simplify development and deployment. Complex applications are still complex, however, and regardless of your platform you’ll still need to think about observability.

Is global expansion crippling your hold on network security?

Globalization and foreign investments have completely changed the way enterprises are run today. Enterprises are expanding geographically to diversify their risk portfolio, but this expansion hasn’t been linear. From mergers to buyouts, today’s enterprises have endless possibilities, which translates into inorganic, exponential growth—something that’s become the industry norm.

Privacy, democracy & bureaucracy ...it's GDPR

Last week, we'll bet you've received an onslaught of "we've updated our privacy policy" emails. If you're a website manager maybe you've been writing those emails and ensuring your site is compliant with the new regulations. It's been interesting (for us anyway) to listen to reactions to GDPR. It seems that people are split between "what a nightmare - so much paperwork" and "this is great - it protects our privacy" and there is no doubt that we have felt a bit of both.