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How to

Memory Profiling for Java Applications, a Splunk APM Product Walkthrough

Splunk’s Product Manager Priit Potter walks you through how to identify memory bottlenecks in Java applications, in this detailed product walkthrough. See how Priit troubleshoots his own application, visualizes memory performance problems, and uses flame graphs to detail the line of code responsible for the problem, all with the help of Splunk Application Performance Monitoring.

How to launch Confidential VMs on Azure

Canonical is happy to announce the general availability of Ubuntu Confidential VMs (CVMs) on Microsoft Azure. Ubuntu 20.04 is the first and only Linux distribution to support Confidential VMs on Azure! Ubuntu CVMs use the latest security extensions of the third generation of AMD CPUs, Secure Encrypted Virtualization-Secure Nested Paging (SEV-SNP). As such, they bring about a fundamental shift in the traditional threat model of public clouds. They are part of the Microsoft Azure DCasv5/ECasv5 series, and only take a few clicks to enable and use!

Blameless Demo: Streamline ServiceNow Incident Ticketing Workflows

Our Director of Product, Nicolas Phillip, shows you how to create ServiceNow incident tickets from your preferred chat tool or the Blameless interface. Watch his step-by-step tutorial and begin leveraging Blameless to create incident tickets in ServiceNow today.

How to Import/Export Orion Modern Dashboards

The flexibility available in Modern Dashboards on the SolarWinds Orion Platform is nothing short of amazing. The dashboards are quick and easy to build and share. We'll guide you through the process of how to import a Modern Dashboard from THWACK and how to export your own to share with the SolarWinds community.