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Serverless computing: The what, why, and why not

Applications have traditionally been run on servers, which have to be closely monitored to ensure there are no hindrances in production. In the case of serverless computing, you no longer have to manage servers, as the onus falls on cloud service providers. Read along to discover more about serverless computing, including some of its advantages and disadvantages. So what actually is serverless computing?

A beginner's guide to monitoring desktop applications

Desktop applications are self-contained programs that operate without any external hosting software. While a web application typically requires a web server to translate the program into HTML content for the web browser to consume, desktop applications deliver the service directly to end-users. We use a number of desktop applications day to day, like conferencing tools, stock management software, source control desktop applications like GIT and Tortoise, photo editing tools, and so on.

Automating serverless workflows with Amazon EventBridge

Event-driven applications have become the foundation for developing modern digital applications. Application workflows are easier to automate with serverless frameworks, and Amazon EventBridge has revolutionized the way serverless applications are built. Since serverless is the new cool kid in the town, there has been a lot of infrastructure reengineering. This blog describes how alert-driven business logic can automate serverless workflows using Amazon EventBridge.

Site24x7 - The Full-stack Performance Monitoring Solution for DevOps and IT Operations.

Site24x7 offers unified cloud monitoring for DevOps and IT operations. Monitor the experience of real users accessing websites and applications from desktop and mobile devices. In-depth monitoring capabilities enable DevOps teams to monitor and troubleshoot applications, servers and network infrastructure including private and public clouds. End user experience monitoring is done from 90+ locations across the world and various wireless carriers.

Unlock the flexibility and financial benefits of Azure VMs with Site24x7

Virtual machines (VMs) are one of the on-demand, scalable computing resources that Microsoft Azure offers. They enable streamlined allocation of resources in backup, disaster recovery, and deployment environments. A VM is typically chosen when you need more control over your computing environment. However, Azure VMs come with the challenge of simultaneously monitoring them across multiple environments when the VMs are spread unevenly, with some being overutilized and others underutilized.

Best practices for database performance optimization

Proactive database performance monitoring is essential to maintain resource utilization and system performance. As data volumes grow, it is critical to monitor databases properly to deliver a seamless enduser experience, and lower IT infrastructure costs. Pinpointing database issues as they occur can assist in faster troubleshooting, and keeping the health of the application intact. Without monitoring, database outages may go unnoticed, and lead to loss of business reputation and profit.

Complement your network monitoring with SNMP traps

Network device monitoring with Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) gives you complete visibility into the health and availability of your network devices. Monitoring tools conduct periodic checks to gather device status and performance metrics. The device's status is updated only when a check is initiated by the monitoring system in the defined time interval. Any fault that happens in between polls is only captured when the next check is initiated.