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A simplified stack monitoring experience in Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes

To monitor your Elastic Stack with Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK), you can deploy Metricbeat and Filebeat to collect metrics and logs and send them to the monitoring cluster, as mentioned in this blog. However, this requires understanding and managing the complexity of Beats configuration and Kubernetes role-based access control (RBAC). Now, in ECK 1.7, the Elasticsearch and Kibana resources have been enhanced to let us specify a reference to a monitoring cluster.

What's new in Elastic Maps: Maps tailored to your geospatial data

Sysadmins, cartographers, and dashboard designers can now personalize Elastic Maps to create richer geodata stories. The 7.14 release of Elastic Maps has the geo capabilities to highlight points of interest, hide unnecessary details, and help you explore new trends in your data. Elastic Maps is available now on Elastic Cloud — the only hosted Elasticsearch offering to include all of its latest features.

No more searching for a needle in a haystack: A world where Elastic & StackState team up

Meeting the goal of delivering great performance and reliability in the face of our ever-changing, increasingly autonomous IT environments is fundamentally challenged by a data problem. Sure, there’s lots of it - logs, metrics, and APM traces - but it is exceedingly hard to extract actionable information when there are so many fast moving parts.

De Watergroep and Devoteam build Elastic Observability pipeline to deliver water to millions

De Watergroep is responsible for the supply of water to more than 3 million customers and hundreds of companies in Belgium. An organisation operating in the public sector, De Watergroep's main goal is to continuously ensure the availability of high-quality drinking water. De Watergroep also is constantly engaged in technological innovation, focusing on keeping distribution costs low, and making maintenance more cost efficient.

Elastic and HashiCorp partner to bring infrastructure-as-code to Elastic Cloud

Operations and SRE teams often rely on HashiCorp Terraform to safely manage production-related infrastructure using methodologies such as infrastructure as code, which allows you to apply peer-reviewed infrastructure changes in an automated and controlled fashion.

Secure your deployments on Elastic Cloud with Google Cloud Private Service Connect

We are pleased to announce the general availability of the Google Cloud Private Service Connect integration with Elastic Cloud. Elastic Cloud VPC connectivity is now available to all customers across all subscription tiers and cloud providers (AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud).

Tracing AWS Lambdas with OpenTelemetry and Elastic Observability

Open Telemetry represents an effort to combine distributed tracing, metrics and logging into a single set of system components and language-specific libraries. Recently, OpenTelemetry became a CNCF incubating project, but it already enjoys quite a significant community and vendor support. OpenTelemetry defines itself as “an observability framework for cloud-native software”, although it should be able to cover more than what we know as “cloud-native software”.

Achieving the Army's data imperatives at the tactical edge with Elastic

As the Industrial Age Army transforms to the Information Age Army, Army leadership recognizes the need for adaptable technologies that enable data exchange at the tactical edge. Not only must these technologies be in lock step with the 8 guiding principles of the DoD Data Strategy, but they must also deliver on the Army’s data imperatives of speed, scale and resilience.