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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Can You Trust Machine Learning In IT Operations?

Chronically understaffed and constantly stressed-out IT Ops and NOC teams are overwhelmed by today’s IT noise. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) can help these teams because ML (and AI) are exceptionally good at processing enormous volumes of very complex data in real-time, or near real-time, and surfacing actionable insights.

How Safe is Your Home's Air? The Internet of Things and Air Quality Monitoring during Wildfires

Over the past few weeks, the Camp Fire in Northern California and the Woolsey Fire in Southern California have devastated people and property. There has been tragic loss of life in the town of Paradise, and California’s firefighters remain tasked, once again, with the difficult job of containing and extinguishing the flames. What no one can contain, though, is the spread of hazardous wildfire smoke.

PagerDuty API Introduction

Learn how easy it is to get up and running with the PagerDuty API in just a few minutes. Harness automation in your incident response and digital operations by leveraging PagerDuty’s REST based API. This video covers basic concepts regarding APIs, REST and JSON. You will also be introduced to PagerDuty’s industry leading interactive API documentation that will automatically provide executable API code at your fingertips.

Machine Learning in IT & Digital Operations: Why Now, And What to Keep in Mind

You’ve just recovered from a critical application outage and your team is being asked to report on root cause and recommended remediation steps later this afternoon. Can you quickly analyze all the data, identify all the leading events, and discern which one was responsible for the cascading failure?

How we improved our React Native cold start for Android

About two years ago here at Mattermost, we decided to start building a prototype for our mobile apps in React Native (RN for short). We were so impressed with how easy it was to build our app for both platforms that we ultimately decided that RN was the way to go for mattermost-mobile apps. Thanks to RN, we can focus exclusively on ensuring feature parity between our mobile apps and our webapp.