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How merchants can protect revenue with AI-powered payment monitoring

Smooth payment operations are critical for every merchant’s success. At its most basic level, a seamless and reliable payment process is the key to assuring transaction completion, which is at the very core of a merchant’s financial strength. However, when payment data systems fail to deliver insights about issues regarding approvals, checkouts, fees or fraud, the result is revenue loss and sometimes customer churn.

Reimagining nmon Using InfluxDB

IBM engineer Nigel Griffiths built nmon in the 1990s to monitor operating system performance data for AIX. Since its original launch, Griffiths revisited and revamped nmon. For example, he built an open-source version for Linux. Despite drastic change in the very nature of computing and exponential growth in storage, memory, and compute power, it wasn’t until 2018 that Griffiths sought to completely re-write the tool and bring it into alignment with modern computer systems.

TL;DR Deep Linking Dashboards

If you’re an InfluxDB and InfluxDB UI user, you’ve almost certainly created dashboards. However, if you’re building dozens of dashboards in the InfluxDB UI, you might have come across the need to deep link related dashboards. In this tutorial we’ll learn how we can use the table view with Flux, string interpolation, and variables to deep link users to other dashboards.

Elastic Enterprise Search: Build with speed, search with ease

Elastic continues to help everyone find what they need faster with Elastic Enterprise Search, a comprehensive solution for building search-powered applications. Elastic Enterprise Search elevates relevance and precision at scale with a new combination of traditional and machine learning-assisted techniques.

Data Pipelines: How Data Pipelines Work & How To Get Started

Every millisecond, humans generate significant volumes of data, from various IoT devices such as our wearable devices to daily activities such as internet surfing and tracking our workouts. Data continues to accumulate. Statista estimates that by 2025, the amount of data will have increased to 180 zettabytes. That's far too much information.

InfluxDB is Once Again a Leader in G2's Fall 2022 Reports

G2 has released their Fall 2022 reports, and we are thrilled to share that InfluxDB – the purpose- built time series platform, has once again ranked #1 in the G2 Grid for Time Series Databases. InfluxDB has also held its leading position in the Momentum Grid for Time Series Databases. The Momentum Grid® identifies products that are on a high growth trajectory based on user satisfaction scores, employee growth, and digital presence.

A Deeper Dive into Machine Learning at Splunk

A typical bit of feedback I have had during my time at Splunk is that the Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK) looks nice and all, but how are we supposed to get started using it? Choosing the right technique, let alone the right algorithm can be a daunting task for those who are unfamiliar with machine learning (ML). We’ve been thinking long and hard about how we can help offer more prescriptive introductions into using ML at Splunk and I’m pleased to present our set of MLTK deep dives.