Using technology to help businesses thrive is always a thrill, but it doesn’t compare to the sense of accomplishment on both a personal and organizational level when you see your tech used to positively impact humanity. It’s one thing to function in a support role for these initiatives, but it’s also important to acknowledge the businesses at the vanguard, building their primary mission around positive human and global impact.
Every enterprise collects and stores massive amounts of security and observability data but struggles to get value outside of operations and security teams. These datasets can offer enormous value to business operations and enterprise reporting teams if they have access to the data in their toolsets. BizOps needs to optimize batch planning and the enterprise reporting teams need to reconcile how many assets the enterprise owns versus the number it has under support contracts.
The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM) Army Research Laboratory (ARL) faces unique challenges in working with data to develop new technologies. It needs the ability to seamlessly analyze data both in the field and in the lab. Connectivity in the field can also be very unpredictable. Without a database that can handle intermittent connectivity, the systems become inefficient and waste time and money.
Time series databases like InfluxDB are databases that specialize in handling time series data, which is data that is indexed by time. Unlike traditional databases, time series databases are optimized for reading and writing data with less performance consideration for updating or deleting data. Due to the time-dependent nature of time series data, time series databases are handy for application monitoring.