The latest News and Information on Continuous Integration and Development, and related technologies.
Managing dependencies is a fact of life in modern software development. But at Cloudsmith, we’re focused on ensuring that the process is as painless as possible. To that end, we’re delighted to announce both upstream proxying and caching for Maven packages. Together they mean simpler, more reliable integration of third party packages into the development process. Better software, faster.
In the first article, we talked about CI or Continuous Integration. This post looks at the second half of the CI/CD acronym, Continuous Delivery. Continuous delivery takes the build originating in the CI process and puts it into an acceptance environment for further evaluation before promoting the code to production (the released version). To back up a moment, CI is the planning, coding, testing, and building of software in a rapidly repeating process.
We’re delighted to announce that Cloudsmith now supports Conan! As most of your know, Cloudsmith is universal. It is our aim to support all the languages and package formats our customers and prospective customers use. We think any organization benefits from being able to store, secure, manage and distribute ALL of their software assets in a single consistent manner.