The latest News and Information on Continuous Integration and Development, and related technologies.
Today managing your licenses with Cloudsmith has become incredibly simple. Now, with the help of our License Compliance UI, not only can you update the license associated with a package without needing to modify a package, plus you can also view statistics of how your overall licenses appear across all packages within a repository. Don't believe me?
A key factor in good package management is organization. How you organize and structure your repositories will help you to unlock the efficiencies and promises of modern DevOps processes. There are, of course, a multitude of ways you can organize packages. You can group by version numbers, formats, architectures, filetype and more.
Logs in continuous delivery pipelines are often entirely ignored, right up until something goes wrong. We usually find ourselves wishing we’d put some thought into our logs, once we’re in the midst of trawling through thousands of lines. In order to try to prevent this, we can add DevOps metrics into our logs, which will provide us with greater observability, and give insight into anything going wrong in our pipelines.
Nowadays, software development teams utilize continuous delivery or some variation, to create better, faster, more accurate software releases. Continuous delivery is a DevOps practice that empowers software teams to continuously ship code directly to an environment once automated tests pass. Continuous delivery is facilitated through the deployment pipeline. You can read more about it in a previous post.