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The latest News and Information on Continuous Integration and Development, and related technologies.

JFrog Platform Log Analytics Splunk App

The Splunk App for JFrog Platform Log Analytics processes extracted log data for the JFrog Platform, the universal, hybrid end-to-end DevOps platform. The app provides a set of operations diagnostic dashboard views for JFrog Artifactory and JFrog Xray error tracking. Learn how the Splunk app works, with some demonstration of its use.

Simplify License Compliance

Today managing your licenses with Cloudsmith has become incredibly simple. Now, with the help of our License Compliance UI, not only can you update the license associated with a package without needing to modify a package, plus you can also view statistics of how your overall licenses appear across all packages within a repository. Don't believe me?

DevOps 101 - Introduction to CI/CD

When you’re new to an industry, you encounter a lot of new concepts. We tend to use a lot of jargon, the documentation may be written with someone more experienced in mind or rely on contextual knowledge of the rest of the space, and it often doesn’t explain the “why” for the tool. This can make it really difficult to get your feet underneath you on an unfamiliar landscape, especially for junior engineers.

For Helm Chart Dependencies, Depend on ChartCenter

ChartCenter is a free Helm chart central repository that was built to help the Helm community find immutable, secure, and reliable charts for publicly available Kubernetes apps. With ChartCenter, you have a single source of truth to proxy all public charts from one, always available location. Without ChartCenter, you need to add each Helm chart’s repository to the Helm client for every Kubernetes app you want to install and update.

Five things to Log in your CI Pipeline: Continuous Delivery

Logs in continuous delivery pipelines are often entirely ignored, right up until something goes wrong. We usually find ourselves wishing we’d put some thought into our logs, once we’re in the midst of trawling through thousands of lines. In order to try to prevent this, we can add DevOps metrics into our logs, which will provide us with greater observability, and give insight into anything going wrong in our pipelines.

Set Up Your Deployment Pipeline Like a Rockstar!

Nowadays, software development teams utilize continuous delivery or some variation, to create better, faster, more accurate software releases. Continuous delivery is a DevOps practice that empowers software teams to continuously ship code directly to an environment once automated tests pass. Continuous delivery is facilitated through the deployment pipeline. You can read more about it in a previous post.