The latest News and Information on Continuous Integration and Development, and related technologies.
At Cloudsmith, you will often hear us refer to our mantra of “Automate Everything”. It a quest that we never deviate from, and we believe that anything that can be automated, should be automated. With that in mind, we would like to show you how simple it is to integrate a Cloudsmith repository with your Buildkite pipeline, and automate the pushing of your build artifacts into your own private repository for further CI/CD steps or even as a source for your global distribution needs.
One reason for building a ‘single source of truth’ for software assets is that it gives the organization control over who can use what when. The ‘wild West’ of public repositories gives no control at all and can lead to a situation in which packages and dependencies of dubious provenance are integrated into builds without a second thought. Within the Cloudsmith world, we want to have the maximum security and control possible.
If you’re looking to deploy your services to Kubernetes, Helm works great. However, once you start deploying to multiple environments, developing code as a team, or automating in a CI/CD pipeline, you start to run into limitations with Helm. Codefresh Pipelines using Helmfile has the power and flexibility to address these issues and many others. It’s also one of the best ways to organize your Helm code and values.