The latest News and Information on Cost Management and related technologies.
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about The Art of True Chargebacks and how VMware Tanzu CloudHealth makes simple work of the cost reallocation of cloud expenses. In addition to being a refresher on cost reallocation with Tanzu CloudHealth, it was also shared as a kickoff of our newly released cutting-edge Cost Reallocation API. This officially available API revolutionizes the seamless automation of chargeback reallocation across diverse geographies, brands, business units (BUs), and product lines.
Learn how new modern application optimization modules built on the Cisco Full-Stack Observability Platform can help you solve cloud cost and resource optimization challenges for your Kubernetes workloads. Controlling unpredictable cloud cost and resource utilization has become critical for organizations to ensure the profitability of modern workloads.
In our first blog post, we introduced the concept of cloud unit economics—a system to measure cost and usage metrics. It helps maximize cloud value for better outcomes per dollar spent. We reviewed what cloud unit economics is, why it’s crucial to FinOps success, and how it enables organizations to unlock the full business value potential of cloud computing.
If you’re sick with a cold then measuring your body temperature is a wise move or maybe if things are really bad a visit to a doctor might result in testing vs. what are considered “normal” levels in order to diagnose the issue; seasonal flu or infection? To improve our health after picking up a bad bug, we do things that affect our situation back to normal levels once again where we can then declare ourselves healthy.