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The latest News and Information on Databases and related technologies.

SQL Sentry Events Log Updates Provide a Centralized View of Events

The SQL Sentry Environment Health Overview (EHO), which is part of the dashboard shown on the Start page, enables you to see all the conditions that have fired alongside the overall health of your database environment. We understand how useful it is to be able to quickly review the health information without having to dig deep into performance data, and we’re excited to announce a few enhancements to the EHO, Events Log, and Actions Log available in the SQL Sentry 2021.1 release.

Your Performance Data, Your Way With Custom Charts in SentryOne Portal

Our product and engineering teams have spent a significant amount of time over the past year working on a new dashboard experience in SentryOne® Portal to give you the upper hand in monitoring your servers and diagnosing performance issues. Providing control over the way data is displayed is one of our most requested features, and we’re excited to satisfy this request with custom charts.

5 Reasons You Don't Need a Management Title to Be a Leader

Leaders can be categorized, somewhat, by their motivation. I recall an offsite meeting a few years ago that began with everyone contemplating the question, "Why do you lead?" There were about 15 people in the room, and each attendee could be grouped in one of the following categories: Nothing is wrong with any of these categories necessarily. They’re all concepts that can drive either positive or negative outcomes.

Gain Visibility into Performance Across Your Data Estate with SQL Sentry Premium Edition

Earlier this year, we announced our plan to release new SQL Sentry editions that would help data professionals not only get started easily with SQL Sentry but also gain visibility across their data estate. We ended up making some tweaks to our SQL Sentry editions following that announcement, and we are excited to introduce both a brand-new edition and an updated edition of our flagship database performance monitoring solution.

Expert Guide to Redis Monitoring

Redis is an open source. in-memory data structure store with blazing performance that’s used as a database, cache, and message broker. Redis is licensed under BSD (Berkeley Source Distribution), which means it can be used for free with some minimum use restrictions. It supports a good number of abstract data structures, such as strings, maps, lists, and so on. Redis, which is used as a database to store data, is fast in performance.

10 Ways to Protect Your Mission-Critical Database

As Werner Vogels says: “Everything fails all the time.” Data is the new oil. We rely on it not only to make decisions but to operate as a business in general. Data loss can lead to significant financial consequences and damaged reputation. In this article, you can find ten actionable methods to protect your most valuable resources.

The next Big Thing in Azure Database Monitoring Landscape

Today’s applications are expected to be highly responsive and always online. Such circumstances excite the pressure on applications to respond in real-time to large changes in usage at peak hours, store ever-increasing volumes of data and make it available in milliseconds. Azure Database Services comes to rescue in such situations, and Azure supports many industry-standard databases and APIs.

Show Your Query You Love It By Naming It

Honeycomb is all about collaboration: We believe that observability is a team sport, and we want to give you as many tools to help your team get the ball down the field (i.e., untangle knotty problems) as we can. We want you to be able to share the current state of your work so that others can follow and figure out what’s up, and we want you to leave breadcrumbs so the next time you’re stuck here, you can find your way back.