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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

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7 Misconceptions of DevOps Debunked

There's no shortage of posts explaining what DevOps is - from articles that use acronyms like CALMS (Culture, Automation, Learning, Measurement and Sharing) to more thorough explanations that use the traditional division of business change analysis into "people, process, and tools." But there's another way to answer the question, "What is DevOps?" by defining not what DevOps is, but rather about what DevOps is not.

Best practices for tagging your infrastructure and applications

Most modern platforms like AWS and Kubernetes create dynamic environments by quickly spinning up instances or containers with significantly shorter lifespans than physical hosts. In these environments, where large-scale applications can be distributed across multiple ephemeral containers or instances, tagging is essential to monitoring services and underlying infrastructure.

DevOps Best Practices: A Complete Guide

Having high profits and productivity without any disturbance—isn’t that every company’s dream? Whenever there’s talk about better productivity and revenue, DevOps never fails to come into the limelight. It seems like it’s the latest IT buzzword. Everybody is discussing the relatively new concept and how it has come to transform the IT sector. But how well do we really know DevOps? What is DevOps? Why do we need it?

Getting Started with Kubernetes using MicroK8s

Single-node deployments of Kubernetes are more common than what one would expect. In some scenarios, single-node clusters make much more sense. For development purposes or testing, there’s no need to deploy a full-blown production-grade cluster. Single-node deployments are also handy for appliances and IoT applications since they have a much smaller footprint. Enter MicroK8s, a tool by Canonical that enables you to easily deploy a lightweight single-node cluster in your local environment.

[WEBINAR] How to Build a World Class Monitoring Strategy

IT leaders agree that performance monitoring is absolutely critical to their success, yet the design and execution of a monitoring strategy can often be an afterthought. During this webinar, LogicMonitor and AWS will present the key components of a world-class performance monitoring strategy, along with a framework to improve monitoring effectiveness.

Kubernetes Master Class: RKE under the Hood

In this Kubernetes Master Class, Rancher Engineers Hussein Galal and Sebastiaan van Steenis will explore how RKE was designed, the internals of how RKE works, and how Rancher and RKE work together. This session is suited for anyone who wants to learn more about what happens under the hood when you either use Rancher or RKE to provision and maintain clusters.

Virtana Expands Monitoring Coverage and Enhances Infrastructure Capacity Planning with Latest Version of VirtualWisdom

Hybrid Infrastructure Management and AIOps Platform Builds on Customer Requirements to Deepen Infrastructure Visibility, Simplify Capacity Management, and Better Control Infrastructure Costs

Codefresh vs. GitlabCI

If you have selected Gitlab as your git provider, you may automatically think about selecting GitlabCI as your CI/CD solution as well. Using the same vendor for source control and CI/CD might seem natural, but is not always the best combination. In fact, choosing a “good-enough” option just because it is part of the same solution is unwise in the long run if it doesn’t cover your needs.