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An Extrovert's Guide to Camaraderie in Tech

If you work in tech, you’ve probably heard that “team culture” is the most important thing for a successful organization. Camaraderie, trust, passion… a good team should have all that. And it’s hard to deny that loving the team you work with will make you more successful, but how do we build that? There’s no AWS product called TeamFront and it’s not sold on Amazon. How can we take camaraderie from elusive to undeniable?

Confidently ship code using Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD)

We all want to ship code on a daily basis. As developers, we want the faster feedback cycle that comes with continuous delivery, and we know it’s better for our team and product in the long run. So why do so many development teams still have such long release cycles? While long release cycles are tried and true and can be seen as more stable, teams sacrifice much more than faster feedback cycles.

To VPC or not to VPC? Pros and Cons in AWS Lambda

When you’re working with EC2 or containers, VPCs have long been viewed as a must-have. Without them, you will face a constant barrage of attacks aimed at your infrastructure and OS, such as brute force login attacks. But are VPCs still needed when it comes to AWS Lambda? What do you actually get when you put a function inside a VPC? And what are the downsides?

Understanding Istio Ingress

Istio is a hot technology right now. Giants such as Google and IBM have devoted entire teams of engineers to the project to push it to production readiness. Since 1.0 has been released recently, I wanted to write down some of the things that confused me coming from a strictly Kubernetes only world where we have Ingress controllers and Service load balancers and how Istio takes these same concepts but on stimulants.

Developing a Go app with Docker Compose

Writing Go applications in an isolated environment with Docker comes with some great advantages. You get a clean GOPATH, the bare essentials for developing, and you can easily change which Go version you’re developing against. In this quick tutorial, we’re going to show you how to structure a Go application with Docker Compose as your development environment.