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Publish SIGNL4 oncall and alert information to your Grafana dashboard

Grafana is as open source analytics and interactive visualization application. You can connect different data sources to display chart and graphs or even trigger alerts. Wouldn’t it be great to add information about SIGNL4 alerts or about who is on call as part of your dashboard? In this case you immediately get an overview about open, acknowledged, and closed alerts per category. Of you can see wo it currently on duty. Here is an example with a who-is-on call, and an alert overview panel.

November 2021 Update - Improved incident response with team escalation and more

Our November update introduces new team settings and, along with them, entirely new options for escalating Signls. This will allow you to make your incident response even more reliable. One application is to create a ‘managers on duty’ teams with full duty scheduling capabilities and escalate missed Signls to such 2nd level response team. As always, you can find all the details in this article.

Building Automated Monitoring with Icinga and SIGNL4

How many servers can be managed by one system administrator? This question is not an easy one since it definitely depends on the tasks that need to be operated. However, it´s quite clear that the amount of servers one engineer can manage has increased enormously over time, and is still growing. Yet, public and private clouds, combined with automation tools, enable us to automate many daily tasks. In a modern IT infrastructure almost everything can, and should, be automated.

Android App Update: Mute and enhanced 'Do not disturb' override

With our latest Android app update (3.1., build 242) you will never miss a critical SIGNL4 alert again. Even if your phone is muted or in do-not-disturb mode, SIGNL4 can now make a lot of ‘noise’ and wake you up reliably when a major or critical incident occurs. Here is how it works….

Why Net at Work employees are sleeping soundly again

Net at Work is a German IT company with over 100 employees that provides its customers with solutions and tools for digital communication and collaboration. Their product NoSpamProxy offers reliable protection against spam and ransomware, legally compliant email encryption and more. Customers of Net at Work are using it as a SaaS solution, and it is being monitored with the agentless network monitoring software PRTG Network Monitor from Paessler AG.

Automatic Alert Export to Third-Party Systems

In the SIGNL4 web portal you can manually export historic alert reports as.csv files. In some cases it might be useful to export alert data programmatically. For example you can forward all alerts including specific parameters to InfluxDB and show the alert history in Grafana to recognize peaks, trends and abnormalities over time. You can even use AIOps to recognize certain trends automatically. By using the SIGNL4 REST API it is possible to export alert data automatically.

July 2021 Update: Users can be members of multiple teams

The time has come! Users in SIGNL4 can now be a member of multiple teams. This allows for staff to be on duty in multiple groups or departments in parallel and to receive related alert notifications for incidents that occur in the different teams. In addition, you can now also send Signls to multiple teams. All details are available in this article.