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GitOps your WordPress with ArgoCD, Crossplane, and Shipa

WordPress is a popular platform for editing and publishing content for the web. This tutorial will walk you through how to build out a WordPress deployment using Kubernetes, ArgoCD, Crossplane, and Shipa. WordPress consists of two major components: the WordPress PHP server and a database to store user information, posts, and site data. We will define these two components and store them in a Git repository.

We built the "Netlify for backend" that runs on your AWS account!

In 2020, my co-founders and I had this crazy idea of bringing a better Developer Experience on top of AWS. You know, the one that you can easily use with "the promise of the cloud" that any developer can take advantage of and deploy their next successful product in seconds. Somehow, the missing product of AWS 😅. This is where Netlify was an excellent source of inspiration. A nice Developer Experience, where deploying an application is as simple as pushing your code on Git.

Kubernetes vs Docker : A comprehensive comparison

If you’re new to the world of containers there are two words you would have certainly come across, but might not yet understand the difference between: Kubernetes and Docker. Although Kubernetes and Docker are somewhat different from each other, they also share some similarities. A container is a standard unit of software that packages the code along with the libraries and dependencies so that the application can run quickly, seamlessly and reliably from one environment to another.

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Infrastructure monitoring using kube-prometheus operator

Prometheus has emerged as the de-facto open source standard for monitoring Kubernetes implementations. In this tutorial, Kristijan Mitevski shows how infrastructure monitoring can be done using kube-prometheus operator. The blog also covers how the Prometheus Alertmanager cluster can be used to route alerts to Slack using webhooks. In this tutorial by Squadcast, you will learn how to install and configure infrastructure monitoring for your Kubernetes cluster using the kube-prometheus operator, displaying metrics with Grafana, and configuring alerting with Alertmanager.

Gimlet launches new learning resources to build a developer platform on Civo

Hey Civo users, at Gimlet, we think that best practices in the Kubernetes ecosystem have solidified so much, that they can be packaged into tools, so that you don't have to make nuanced decisions every corner. This is what we have been doing with our CLI tools, and nowdays doing with the Gimlet Dashboard! We have been following Civo for over a year now and see how much the Gimlet team shares the Civo community's spirit.

Announcing Stronger Istio Support with Istio Mode for VMware Tanzu Service Mesh

Today, Google submitted Istio to be considered as an incubating project with the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), starting the process of handing off management of the project to the CNCF. In tandem with this announcement, we are introducing Istio Mode for VMware Tanzu Service Mesh, reinforcing our support and commitment to open source Istio.

New in the Kubernetes integration for Grafana Cloud: Kubernetes events, Pod logs, and more

The Kubernetes integration for Grafana Cloud helps users easily monitor and alert on core Kubernetes metrics using the Grafana Agent, our lightweight observability data collector optimized for sending metric, log, and trace data to Grafana Cloud. It packages together a set of easy-to-deploy manifests for the Agent, along with prebuilt dashboards and alerts.

Using Containers for Microservices: Benefits and Challenges for your Organization

Using containers for microservices has gained a lot of popularity in the last decade or so. Developing the application through microservices across multiple containers results in the best of both worlds. It provides resilience as well as agility through scaling and improvements. Before we dwell on how containers and microservices form an ideal combination, let’s start with a basic understanding of microservices and containers.