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Calico Cloud: What's new in October

Calico Cloud is an industry-first security and observability SaaS platform for Kubernetes, containers, and cloud. Since its launch, we have seen customers use Calico Cloud to address a range of security and observability problems for regulatory and compliance requirements in a matter of days and weeks. In addition, they only paid for the services used, instead of an upfront investment commitment, thus aligning their budgets with their business needs.

From Terraform to GitOps to Pulumi

In a previous post, we talked about the increasing adoption of Platform Engineering teams. The post covered topics such as defining Platform Engineering and the roles and responsibilities of the team. When building an internal platform, a clear goal that many teams want to achieve is: Even though this is key to a successful platform team, this responsibility increases complexity, costs, support time, and more. Not to mention that this can be a long, very long journey.

Docker Swarm vs Kubernetes: how to choose a container orchestration tool

Businesses around the world increasingly rely on the benefits of container technology to ease the burden of deploying and managing complex applications. Containers group all necessary dependencies within one package. They are portable, fast, secure, scalable, and easy to manage, making them the primary choice over traditional VMs. But to scale containers, you need a container orchestration tool—a framework for managing multiple containers.

Implementing Istio in a Kubernetes cluster

As the complexity of a microservice architecture grows, it becomes important to implement a service mesh for better insights into your cluster and microservices. In this blog, Kristijan explains how Istio can be used as a service mesh, along with a detailed installation steps & configuration setup. Service Mesh? You’ve heard about it, but does it solve something, or is it just another hot buzzword in the industry?

Leveraging Your First GitOps Engine - Flux

Not to muddy the waters with one more prefix in front of ops, GitOps is a newer DevOps paradigm that slants towards the developer. As the names states, GitOps is focused around Git, the source code management tool. As a developer, leveraging an SCM is one of the quintessential tools of the trade; allowing for collaboration and more importantly saving your hard work off of your machine.

Kubespray 2.17 released with Calico eBPF and WireGuard support

Congratulations to the Kubespray team on the release of 2.17! This release brings support for two of the newer features in Calico: support for the eBPF data plane, and also for WireGuard encryption. Let’s dive into configuring Kubespray to enable these new features.

Troubleshooting Pod issues in Kubernetes with Live Tail

With the advent of IaaS (Infrastructure as a service) and IaC (Infrastructure as Code), it is now possible to manage versioning, code reviews, and CI/CD pipelines at the infrastructure level through resource provisioning and on-demand service routing. Kubernetes is the indisputable choice for container orchestration.

Komodor Workflows: Automated Troubleshooting at the Speed of WHOOSH!

Today, just in time for Kubecon 2021, I am happy to announce the beta availability of Workflows. For me, this is our most exciting product announcement to date – a completely new capability that expands the definition of what Komodor is, as it charts the course for its next evolution. Let me start with the feature first. In a nutshell, Workflows is a series of smart algorithms that operate within the “depths” of Komodor.