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Introducing the New LogDNA Agent for Kubernetes

On the internet, nothing necessarily stays easy, simple, and reliable forever – but we’re trying to keep it that way for your logs. When our customers use Kubernetes, they want to remain focused on the real challenges of scaling, and avoid infrastructure headaches, so that they can adapt to the unexpected easily and with a minimum of toil. That’s why we continue to invest in the LogDNA Agent. It’s built to handle file logging in even the most intensive Kubernetes deployments.

Razorops CI/CD with Linode Kubernetes Engine

Linode is one of simplest, affordable, and accessible cloud computing platform, It has recentely launched managed Kubernetes called Linod Kubernetes Engine(LKE). Following video expalins how to create Linode Kubernets Cluster and Connect to RazorOps Dashboard. Razorops is a container Native CI/CI tool to automate and ship you application to any Kubernetes.

The Benefits of Running GroundWork Monitor in Containers

If you have been watching our announcements, you know we have recently released a major new version of GroundWork Monitor Enterprise, version 8. As I write this, that’s actually 8.0.1, which is a little more than the first release. The thing about version 8 though, is that it’s containerized. That’s right, all of the many processes that GroundWork uses to monitor, alert, log, and report on your infrastructure are all running in Docker containers.

Five things CISOs can do to make containers secure and compliant

Chances are, if you’re not already moving applications to containers and Kubernetes, you’re considering it. However, it’s likely that security and compliance implications are something you haven’t fully thought through. Addressing container security risks later in the development life cycle negatively impacts the pace of cloud adoption while simultaneously raising security and compliance risks. The use of containers and Kubernetes changes your security calculus.

Kubernetes Security Best Practices

Cloud-native is the new standard for modern applications. This usually means container-based applications, using the popular Docker and Kubernetes platforms, and increasingly also service mesh platforms such as Istio and Envoy. With that, container security in general—and Kubernetes security in particular—is at the forefront of engineers’ minds. Docker popularized containers based on the good-old but little-used LXC Linux containers.

How to deploy an app to AWS: Preventive measures

Editor's note: This blog is part two of our series on launching an app to AWS. For the first installment, "How to deploy an app to AWS: Getting started," click here. So, your application is ready for production. You’ve taken an inventory of your applications, dependencies, and configuration. Now, you’re ready to create a new AWS account and start launching resources.

Driving Sustainability in Retail with Kubernetes

“With sustainability our primary focus, our technology strategy has to mirror our overall approach. With Rancher we’re driving real transformation to prime us for long-term growth.” – Zach Dunn, Senior Director of Platform Operations and CSO, Optoro. Have you ever considered what happens to items you return to etailers? In retail, especially ecommerce, nearly 25 percent of all goods are returned or don’t sell.

Deploy Kubernetes Clusters on Microsoft Azure with Rancher

If you’re in enterprise IT, you’ve probably already looked into Microsoft’s Azure public cloud. Microsoft Azure offers excellent enterprise-grade features and tightly integrates with Office 365 and Active Directory. It also provides a managed Kubernetes service, AKS, that you can provision from the Azure portal.