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Sysdig's Prometheus monitoring behind the scenes

A few weeks ago, we announced that Sysdig is offering fully compatible Prometheus monitoring at scale for our customers, as well as a new website called PromCat.io hosting a curated repository of Prometheus exporters, dashboards and alerts. This got me thinking about how we were actually able to implement the changes necessary to offer this in our platform.

Calico Enterprise 3.0 - Global Network Security Center for Kubernetes

As our enterprise customers build out large, multi-cluster Kubernetes environments, they are encountering an entirely new set of security challenges, requiring solutions that operate at scale and can be deployed both on-premises and across multiple clouds.

How to deploy an app to AWS: App security

AWS security is an ongoing battle that you must address during every release, every change, and every CVE. When you’re first launching your production application, it’s impossible to check all the boxes; you simply don’t have the time. Until your application gets more adoption, you only have the time to do the bare essentials of security.

How to Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Cluster with AKS

At the end of October 2017, Microsoft announced the release of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), its hosted version of Kubernetes. If you’re new to AKS and curious about how to get a proof of concept (PoC) set up in your environment, read on. In this AKS tutorial, you’re going to learn, step-by-step, how to get an Azure Kubernetes cluster built with AKS.

Local Kubernetes Development with Okteto

At Codefresh we understand how much Kubernetes has changed the local flow for developers and we have already covered not only local Kubernetes distributions for Mac, Windows and Linux, but also specialized tools such draft, skaffold, garden.io and tilt.dev that are focused on developers who work with Kubernetes. This time we will look at Okteto, a brand new tool that aims to make developers more productive when using Kubernetes.

Kubernetes and the Enterprise Knowledge Graph

In today’s enterprises, we spend much of our time dealing with information, whether it’s data, knowledge or analytics. Just like the assembly line workers of last century, today’s knowledge workers deal with similar logistics of taking raw materials as an input and producing a finished product as an output. Only in this case, the raw material is all the unorganized and sometimes random information at our disposal, and the finished product is structured information.

Secure DevOps at the Edge with Sysdig and IBM

Innovative companies are looking to take advantage of cloud-native technologies beyond the data center to deliver faster innovation and competitive advantage at the edge. Recognizing the need for a common approach to create, deploy, run, secure, monitor, maintain and scale business logic and analytics applications wherever your business takes you, IBM today announced its edge computing offerings, including the IBM Edge Application Manager.

Deploying Citrix Ingress Controller via the Rancher Catalog

Citrix Ingress Controller is an emerging enterprise-grade ingress controller for load balancing microservices in the Kubernetes environment. It provides advanced load balancing, rewrite/responder policy support, advanced content routing, SSL/TLS support, TCP/UDP protocol support, Canary deployment support and much more. In this article, we will discuss different deployment modes for Citrix Ingress Controller and deploy it via the Rancher catalog.

Kubernetes Governance, What You Should Know

Kubernetes governance may sound dull. But, if you’re an enterprise, it’s a critical part of what you must figure out to be production-ready at scale. When standardizing on-demand services for your dev teams — a DevOps best practice — you must ensure that groups deploying Kubernetes clusters follow certain rules, a process that is typically automated via policy management.

Stateful Kubernetes Workloads on vSphere with RKE

Stateful workloads in Kubernetes need to be able to access persistent volumes across the cluster. Storage Classes represent different storage types in Kubernetes. A storage provisioner backs each storage class. Most commonly used cloud providers have storage provisioners, which offer different capabilities based on the underlying cloud. There are also a wide variety of storage provisioners available to Kubernetes, based on the cloud provider in use.