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Optimize Your CI/CD Pipeline with Codefresh & Lightstep

How do you know if the changes that you’re making to your microservices are having the desired impact to your end-users? What happens after a deploy? Did your app’s performance remain the same? Were any bugs introduced? Do you need to roll back? With Codefresh and Lightstep, you’re able to more quickly, more accurately, and more easily ensure that any commit and build results in a better experience for your end-users.

Run Rancher 2.4 in Azure with K3s and MySQL

This article will describe the process of installing Rancher 2.4 on a highly available K3s Kubernetes cluster in Microsoft Azure. It will also take advantage of Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL, which removes the dependency on etcd and provides us all the additional features that Azure delivers with this service. You will learn how to deploy the infrastructure to support this pattern using only the Azure Cloud Shell.

How to implement Prometheus long-term storage using Elasticsearch

Prometheus plays a significant role in the observability area. An increasing number of applications use Prometheus exporters to expose performance and monitoring data, which is later scraped by a Prometheus server. However, when it comes to storage, Prometheus faces some limitations in its scalability and durability since its local storage is limited by single nodes.

A Blueprint for Running Stateful Services on Kubernetes

Managing stateful applications has been challenging for engineering and operations teams long before the debut of Kubernetes. In this post, we’ll explore all aspects of your deployments of stateful applications on Kubernetes, from the underlying hardware to Pod update strategies, and provide insights into how LogDNA uses stateful Kubernetes to build one of the world’s fastest log management platforms.

How to deploy an app to AWS: Route 53 and DNS explained

In our series on how to deploy an app to AWS with the least effort, we've talked about getting started, preventive measures, and securing your app. Today, we're going to focus on DNS (domain name system), specifically the AWS DNS service Route 53. As you're deploying your web app, you will inevitably use DNS.

Approaching Kubernetes Security - Detecting Kubernetes Scan with Splunk

The Kubernetes framework has become the leading orchestration platform. Originally developed by Google, Kubernetes is a "platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts" * . The kubernetes platform is used in all Cloud platform provider vendors as a tool that allows orchestration, automation and provision of applications and specific needs computing clusters and services.

3 Ways to Run Kubernetes on AWS

Kubernetes is hugely popular and growing, and is primarily used on the cloud — 83 percent of organizations included in a large CNCF survey said they run Kubernetes on at least one public cloud. Amazon is a natural option for Kubernetes clusters, due to its mature and robust infrastructure, and a variety of deployment options with a varying degree of automation.

Using logging for your apps running on Kubernetes Engine

Whether you’re a developer debugging an application or on the DevOps team monitoring applications across several production clusters, logs are the lifeblood of the IT organization. And if you run on top of Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), you can use Cloud Logging, one of the many services integrated into GKE, to find that useful information. Cloud Logging, and its companion tool Cloud Monitoring, are full featured products that are both deeply integrated into GKE.