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AppOptics Product Update Roundup: Q2 2020

A lot happened last quarter, so you might have missed a few of the shiny new features now included with SolarWinds® AppOptics™. Don’t worry, we rounded up the recent updates here so you can get the most out of your application performance monitoring (APM) with AppOptics. Simplified Application Root Cause and Service- and Trace-Level Root Cause Summary Views The new service- and trace-level views expand the types of IT professionals who can use AppOptics.

Winning with Application Insights Logging

This article will focus on using Azure Application Insights to monitor the real-world business apps. Azure Application Insights is an Application Performance Management (APM) service for developers and DevOps professionals. It is used to monitor an app that is live in real-time. It supports a variety of platforms including .NET, Node.js, Java, and Python hosted on-premises, hybrid, or any public cloud. Application Insights can be used in two ways to monitor your Application.

Monitoring for Citrix Digital Workspaces

eG Innovations has been a Citrix partner since 2003. Those were the days when Citrix’s messaging was around “access”. Thin client computing and then server-based computing were the hot topics. Discussions around the efficiency of RDP and ICA ruled and Citrix Resource Manager was the best way to monitor a Citrix server. What was then Citrix MetaFrame soon became Citrix Presentation Server, then Citrix XenApp, and now Citrix Virtual Apps.

Debug JavaScript in Microsoft Edge in 7 steps

This article will focus on debugging JavaScript code within Microsoft Edge Developer Tools. The Edge DevTools are a powerful toolset built into the Edge browser on Microsoft Windows 10. The DevTools are also available as a standalone app to download from the Microsoft Store, if one prefers to run them separately from Edge itself. We’ll be using Raygun Crash Reporting to find the stack trace and the line of code the error occurred on. You can sign up for a free 14-day trial here.

It's Not about Agent vs. Agentless Monitoring Anymore

Talk about performance monitoring to any system admin or IT manager and one of the first questions they will ask is whether the monitoring is agent-based or agentless. The moment you hear that question, you know that they are interested in an agentless monitoring solution. Such is the fear of having agents on critical servers in the infrastructure! In this article, we will discuss.

Monitor Azure Functions With the Simplicity of AppOptics

Managing servers isn’t always the most effective way to run an application. With serverless computing, teams can deploy applications directly to managed hardware, scale them on demand, and avoid the overhead of provisioning and maintaining their own infrastructure. As many as 40% of companies surveyed by DevOps.com use serverless computing. And serverless platforms like Azure Functions make deploying serverless questions quick and easy.