In the second episode of the Shifting Left podcast, we sat down with one of our resident cloud experts, Vikram Parmar, to get his take on how IT leaders can avoid the often-times spiraling cost of cloud investment.
Learn how to monitor Lambda functions written in Python with AppDynamics Python Tracer SDK.
eG Innovations has been a Citrix partner since 2003. Those were the days when Citrix’s messaging was around “access”. Thin client computing and then server-based computing were the hot topics. Discussions around the efficiency of RDP and ICA ruled and Citrix Resource Manager was the best way to monitor a Citrix server. What was then Citrix MetaFrame soon became Citrix Presentation Server, then Citrix XenApp, and now Citrix Virtual Apps.
How should organizations monitor, diagnose, and troubleshoot SAP performance issues before they impact their bottom line? Keep reading to find out.
Talk about performance monitoring to any system admin or IT manager and one of the first questions they will ask is whether the monitoring is agent-based or agentless. The moment you hear that question, you know that they are interested in an agentless monitoring solution. Such is the fear of having agents on critical servers in the infrastructure! In this article, we will discuss.