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Log Management in the Age of Observability

The explosive growth of interconnected data across distributed systems has disrupted traditional development, DevOps, and ITOps practices and forced many organizations to rethink their cloud strategies. Higher-velocity feature development and more responsive support requests involve developers throughout the delivery cycle and require them to monitor and observe application behavior before releasing it to production.

Get a Sneak Peek with Operator Preview in Cribl Search

At Cribl, we understand precisely what challenges our customers face when running complex searches, and the importance of getting exactly what they need with their queries. Cribl Search’s latest feature, Operator Preview, allows data analysts to test search operators without committing to a full search. It saves time, reduces costs, and streamlines your everyday data analysis.

Log Analytics: Everything To Know About Analyzing Log Data

Log data is big data! But that’s not why it’s such a big deal. Log data can be really useful if you know what to do with it — which is where log analysis and analytics comes in. Let’s take a look at this valuable activity, starting with what log data can tell us and moving into how we can use analytics to inform business practices. (This article was written in collaboration with Muhammad Raza.)

Tracing Services Using OTel and Jaeger

At observIQ, we use the OTel collector to collect host/container-level metrics and logs from our systems. But to get more detailed monitoring of our applications (APM), we use the OTel SDK and instrumentation libraries. This post aims to provide a quick start to setting up tracing exporting to a local Jaeger instance.

Add more context to your logs with Reference Tables

Logs provide valuable information for troubleshooting application performance issues. But as your application scales and generates more logs, sifting through them becomes more difficult. Your logs may not provide enough context or human-readable data for understanding and resolving an issue, or you may need more information to help you interpret the IDs or error codes that application services log by default.

Even faster 3 am troubleshooting with new logs search and query

As an SRE putting out fires all day, it’s nice to get a good night’s sleep. But there are times when that PagerDuty alert goes off in the middle of the night, forcing you to leap into action to fix a high-priority issue. This is where having the best log analytics tool is critical to easily search and query the log data, perform deep-dive troubleshooting and analysis and quickly come to a resolution.

4 CDN Monitoring Tools to Look At

Beyond their primary function of bringing internet content closer to client servers, CDNs also play a vital role in network security. For instance, CDN helps you absorb traffic overloads from DDoS attacks by distributing traffic across many servers. However, the volume of servers under your CDNs control and their geographically distributed nature presents its own set of risks, operational and security. Choosing the best CDN monitoring tool is critical to the end-user experience.

The Digital Resilience Guide: 7 Steps To Building Digital Resilience

The question is: are you full prepared to adapt to what may come…cyber incident, recession, severe weather? With unexpected events like a global pandemic, businesses see the need to improve their resilience against digital disruptions. That’s because disruption is a certainty — and resilience has a strong ROI. Digital resilience helps businesses respond successfully to these kinds of unexpected events.

10+ Best Tools & Systems for Monitoring Ubuntu Server Performance [2023 Comparison]

Ubuntu is a Linux distribution based on Debian Linux that’s mostly composed of open-source and free software. Released in three options – servers, desktop computers and Internet of Things devices. Ubuntu is highly popular, reliable and updated every 6 months, with a long-term support version released every two years. Multiple Ubuntu versions allow users to choose whether to stick with the long-term support version or the recently updated one.

Data Streaming in 2023: The Ultimate Guide

Data streaming is the backbone of so many technologies we rely on daily. Endless data sources that generate continuous data streams. Dashboards, logs and even streaming music to power our days. Data streaming has become critical for organizations to get important business insights — when you can get more data from more data sources, you might have better information to run your business. This article explains data streaming, including: Let’s get started!