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Data Centers: The Ultimate Guide To Data Center Cooling & Energy Optimization

Data centers provide a central space to house IT resources required to run applications of any business. To get the best out of data centers, optimizing their performance, scalability, energy efficiency, availability, security and cost-effectiveness is important. Of all those parameters, energy efficiency optimization is one of the most important things organizations must consider, as the consequences of energy-inefficient data centers are significant.

Four Things That Make Coralogix Unique

SaaS Observability is a busy, competitive marketplace. Alas, it is also a very homogeneous industry. Vendors implement the features that have worked well for their competition, and genuine innovation is rare. At Coralogix, we have no shortage of innovation, so here are four features of Coralogix that nobody else in the observability world has.

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4 Challenges of Serverless Log Management in AWS

Serverless services on AWS allow IT and DevSecOps teams to deploy code, store and manage data, or integrate applications in the cloud, without the need to manage underlying servers, operating systems, or software. Serverless computing on AWS eliminates infrastructure management tasks, helping IT teams stay agile and reducing their operational costs - but it also introduces the new challenge of serverless log management.

Integrating OpenTelemetry into a Fluentbit environment using BindPlane OP

Fluentbit is a popular logs and metrics collector used for monitoring anything from virtual machines to containerized applications. With the rise of BindPlane OP and OpenTelemetry, it is not uncommon for organizations to begin replacing Fluentbit, or integrating OpenTelemetry with Fluentbit. An organization may have hundreds or thousands of Fluentbit agents deployed to their endpoints but they want to manage the pipeline using BindPlane OP.

Trust, understanding, and love

As Charles highlights in his Financial Services Predictions blog, operational resilience is critical. The regulatory drive for defining, measuring and improving operational resilience is clear within Europe, outlined by EU DORA and UK FCA / PRA guidelines. The organisations who embrace this change can capitalise on real opportunities in the coming years; specifically, the opportunity to use data-driven insights to improve customer experience and proactively resolve issues before customer impact.

Financial Services Predictions - the highlights for 2023: Two trends, two actions and a honest take on financial services hype.

Thanks to regulation, legislation and the pandemic, the term ‘resilience’ has burst into the consciousness throughout the financial services industry. But why is it so important? To answer this, we are going to delve deeper into the world of Operational Resilience by exploring how it has the potential to deliver a lot more than merely regulatory compliance.

What are the benefits of log management?

Log management turns the huge volume of raw information created as logs into something usable for an organization's DevOps, IT and security teams. When log management is done correctly, its benefits include: Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of log management and how they apply to specific areas.