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3 Steps to Implement DevSecOps in Your Organization

It seems like hardly a week goes by without news of a security breach. Cyberattacks are becoming more frequent and more severe, costing businesses $600 billion per year according to the 2018 Economic Impact of Cybercrime report. Without a strong security policy in place, businesses risk falling victim to new threats while losing the trust of their customers.

Nanoservices vs. Microservices

Software often seems like a benign version of Game of Thrones, in which any dominant or ascending technology/methodology is constantly challenged by newer and more attractive rivals. So as soon as microservices entered the mainstream, it didn’t take long until some developers saw it as flawed, and proposed nanoservices as a replacement. In this article, we ask why the move to breaking down software into smaller and smaller pieces is a good idea.

Correlate request logs with traces automatically

When your users are encountering errors or high latency in your application, drilling down to view the logs from a problematic request can reveal exactly what went wrong. By pulling together all the logs pertaining to a given request, you can see in rich detail how it was handled from beginning to end so you can quickly diagnose the issue.

How to Install the ELK Stack on AWS: A Step-By-Step Guide

The ELK Stack is a great open-source stack for log aggregation and analytics. It stands for Elasticsearch (a NoSQL database and search server), Logstash (a log shipping and parsing service), and Kibana (a web interface that connects users with the Elasticsearch database and enables visualization and search options for system operation users). With a large open-source community, ELK has become quite popular, and it is a pleasure to work with.

Best Practices for Efficient Log Management and Monitoring

When managing cloud-native applications, it’s essential to have end-to-end visibility into what’s happening at any given time. This is especially true because of the distributed and dynamic nature of cloud-native apps, which are often deployed using ephemeral technologies like containers and serverless functions.

GoT Predictions: How we Analyzed Twitter to Find Who will Win the Iron Throne

With the final season of Game of Thrones premiering just last night, the question on the mind of every super fan is who will finally rise to the iron throne? To find the answer, we used Twitter along with our machine data analytics platform to check the popularity of specific characters and how often they are mentioned alongside the term “iron throne”.

How We Designed Loki to Work Easily Both as Microservices and as Monoliths

In recent years, monoliths have lost favor as microservices increased in popularity. Conventional wisdom says that microservices, and distributed systems in general, are hard to operate: There are often too many dependencies and tunables, multiple moving parts, and operational complexity.

The Top 5 Open-Source NIDS Solutions

In a hyper-connected world, the threat landscape is undoubtedly evolving. Ensuring the security of your enterprise networks on a daily basis is essential to protect your business, no matter how big (or small) it is. According to SophosLabs’ 2019 threat report, one dangerous ransomware called SamSam cost companies $6.5 million ($10K to $50K per ransom).