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Where to Find IIS Log Files

Microsoft Windows Internet Information Services (IIS) log files provide valuable information about the use and state of applications running on the web. However, it’s not always easy to find where those files are to determine important aspects of app usage like when requests for servers were made, by whom, and other user traffic concerns.

Software visibility is the key to innovation

Software is eating the world. How we spend time, what we eat, who we meet, how we communicate, where we travel... is defined by the code. Increasingly, software is calling the shots and telling humans what to do. With deep learning, this trend is just going to accelerate. The most powerful companies that used to rule the world with professional, skilled executives are becoming incumbents getting disrupted.

Introduction to Apache Web Server

Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content through the internet. It is commonly referred to as Apache and after development, it quickly became the most popular HTTP client on the web. It’s widely thought that Apache gets its name from its development history and process of improvement through applied patches and modules but that was corrected back in 2000.

The Why Behind Modern Architectures

These days we spend a lot of time talking about modernizing our stack, modernizing our architectures, using new application components, modern application life cycles, etc. So, what is this all about and why do we spend so much time talking about it? First, there is a lot of self-serving vendor speak involved…starting with cloud providers and closely followed by open source commercialization shops and commercial ISVs (ourselves included) who have to spin the world in their own image.

Logz.io and Microsoft Azure: A Proud Partnership in Open Source

Today, I’m excited to announce a partnership between Logz.io and Microsoft Azure. With this partnership, Logz.io is now offering Azure customers a fully managed, scalable machine data analytics platform built on ELK and Grafana. What does that mean? Azure customers can now easily deploy, run, and scale ELK without the hassle and pain of maintaining and managing the stack themselves.

How Loki Correlates Metrics and Logs -- And Saves You Money

The situation is all too familiar: You get an alert. You look at your metrics and your dashboards to try and find out what the cause might be and when the incident actually started (instead of when the alert happened). Then you have to go somewhere else to look at logs because eventually you need more data.

How Big Data and Log management work hand in hand

As Stephen Marsland once said, “if data had mass, the earth would be a black hole.” A vast part of the immense amount of structured and unstructured data that we call “Big Data” is nothing but machine-originated log data. Logs are generated for a lot of different purposes – from security to debugging and troubleshooting. They constitute a gold mine of useful information and actionable insights if properly stored, managed, and analyzed.

GDPR and Data Loss Protection: A Guide to Safeguarding Your Data

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on May 25, 2018. Hailed as the most significant change in data privacy regulations in two decades, GDPR was the result of years of intense activity and discussions among legislators, consumer groups, the legal community, and data privacy specialists.