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Restore authority with Token Bandwidth Controls!

Now you can go beyond measuring your bandwidth usage and regain control via Cloudsmith's new bandwidth controls for Entitlement tokens. You can craft tokens with individual usage limits using the UI, API, and CLI, allowing you to decide the exact level of usage for each token. Combining the new and existing limits for entitlement tokens, allowances are configurable to provide fine-grained control for any combination of properties.

Managing Sensu Go 6 using Ansible

Earlier this year, we shared the certified Ansible Collection for Sensu Go, which makes it easy to automate your monitoring and achieve real-time visibility into auto-scaling infrastructure. Now that Sensu Go 6 has been released, we’ll share the latest updates on the Collection, including the management aspects of Sensu Go 6, with a focus on the structure of Ansible playbooks in the Sensu Go 6 world.

Reduce Security Cost by Shifting Left

With the emergence of “Shift Left” as common practice for development, we’re seeing many opportunities to reduce costs around our development practices, but what about security? Prisma Cloud is supporting “Shift Left” by making their scanning capabilities available to Developers and CI Tooling to run scans against microservice projects. As a bonus, the Prisma Cloud product suite scanning capabilities fit perfectly within Codefresh.

Top Go Modules: Writing Unit Tests with Testify

All developers have seen them, even in well-structured Golang programs: comments suggesting you keep away from lines of code since they seem to be working in a magic way. These warnings make us timid, fearing we might break something. But applications need to change, to improve and innovate. That’s why unit tests are a vital part of software development. They help developers know whether the small parts of their software perform their intended function correctly.

Add file attachments to pull requests in Bitbucket Cloud

During code review, static image files might not be adequate when a developer wants to demo their changes. Starting now, teams can attach any type of file to a pull request. No need to worry about the file size either. For example, “before and after” screen recordings can be uploaded and viewed directly in a pull request. With this change, Bitbucket Cloud has become more integrated with the Atlassian ecosystem. Does your team also collaborate on Jira or Confluence?

Monitor your Package Activity and Save on Storage!

With the introduction of the Package Activity API and accompanying CLI command, you can now quickly and easily check your entire repository for packages' activity status or even take a detailed approach and view packages individually (per day/per package). You can save on your storage costs by eliminating inactive packages and retaining only the packages you or your users derive value from storing and distributing via Cloudsmith.

Top Go Modules: Golang Web APIs with GORM

Robert Greiseimer has called Go the language of cloud computing and while it’s no secret that Go has strong features that support the needs of microservice architecture, distributed systems, and large-scale enterprise applications, what is less talked about is that Go was also built with web development in mind from the start. In fact, many developers in the community are using Go for full-stack development and championing new modules and frameworks that make Go a strong language for the web.

Today's Big Leap for Tomorrow

Today is a momentous day for JFrog, as we’re excited and proud to join the Nasdaq family of listings. While COVID-19 challenges every company and prevents us from being together in many ways, we’re humbled that Times Square was turned green today! This is obviously an important milestone, and it couldn’t have happened without over a decade of hard work and millions of hours that have gone into this amazing company.

Repository Webhooks: Notifications for DevOps

Webhooks, so what are they good for? Well, quite a lot as it turns out! Webhooks are great for integrating Cloudsmith with other systems that you use, by sending data or notifications to other tools in your stack and helping to enable automation across your workflows. I know what you’re thinking, this sounds a lot like an API right? Well, not quite. Webhooks are almost like a sibling of an API call. So, what’s the real difference?