By industrializing software delivery, DevOps has the potential to transform IT in the same way that Henry Ford transformed manufacturing Back in 1913, Henry Ford started a manufacturing revolution. On December 1, the first automotive assembly line heralded the advent of mass production and reduced the time required to build a Model T to only 2 ½ hours. That allowed Ford to slash manufacturing costs as well as the price of his iconic automobile.
Big features make headlines, but they can be a challenge to deploy without staying dedicated to the finish line. Even the best laid projects can fall victim to time creep as more features are added and the idea gets refined. What’s on paper looks great!
DigitalOcean has just announced the DigitalOcean Container Registry, which is directly integrated into the DigitalOcean Dashboard. While you can use any Container Registry in your DigitalOcean resources, the goal of the Container Registry is to provide for easy connection between the Container Registry and DigitalOcean Kubernetes resources.
Progressive delivery is arguably the most reliable and advanced set of deployment practices based on a simple idea. Instead of shutting down the old release and deploying a new one in its place, progressive delivery takes an iterative approach. It gradually increases the reach of a new release. That gives us quite a few benefits like zero-downtime deployments, reduced blast radius, increased security, and so on and so forth. I will not go into depth about what progressive delivery is.
Figma is a web-based graphic editor and prototyping tool that is commonly used for UI design. Independent of the size of your organization, it is considered good practice to use design components. This post provides a case study on how we utilize Figma components to manage different states in the Codefresh UI. Note that this blog post was written before the release of variants and the new auto-layout features. We will update the blog after we update our style guide with these new amazing features.