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Let's get $100M Serious about Open Source

We as a company, and I as a human have been enormous beneficiaries of open source. I remember as a kid, my brothers setup a Renegade BBS so other people could call our computer. A few years later I built my first server running on NetBSD. And of course, we all used the internet. Open source has powered so much of my life. I still remember my first accepted open-source contribution, it was an incredibly minor fix for an HTML5 Quake game, but wow was I proud.

Our New Free Tier with Unlimited Builds, Unlimited Workflows

Close eyed observers may have noticed that we’ve been testing out a new free tier and today we’re ready to announce it to the world. From today, on, Codefresh has free unlimited builds. Yes, you read that right. We’re launching unlimited builds/workflows on our free plan. The free plan comes with everything you need to build a great CI/CD pipeline.

Is Your CI/CD Process Past Its Prime?

At the advent of the technological era, developers found themselves wasting hours of valuable resources on manual QA. As software was released, teams manually confirmed that it was bug-free and reliable, all the while testing new features and checking for regression of existing features. Unfortunately, this manual approach was prone to mistakes, created long delays in workflows and was tedious and time-consuming.

Maximize Observability of Your CI/CD Pipeline With Loggly

The DevOps engineer is an important role in an organization because he or she is responsible for the success of a software project and its lifecycle. This person typically wears many hats—from software developer to managing system operations. These individuals usually have an extensive background in either software development or system administration. The DevOps engineer uses many different tools to be successful in their role.

Hunting for Talent on the DevOps Highway

If you happened to be in Tel Aviv, Israel last month, you probably saw the eye-catching JFrog billboards that took over the city. The JFrog logo with a solid bright green background challenged all of us to Imagine There’s No Version. The JFrog green billboards were everywhere! Decorating trains and buses and lighting up the city landmarks. The message was clear; it was an invitation to imagine a future where software updates flow like water.

JFrog CLI, Your GitHub Actions Hero

Now that GitHub Actions version 2 is out of Beta and available for general use, how can you start managing your Artifactory repositories in your automated DevOps workflows? Who will save your binaries in distress? Never fear, JFrog is here! A new Action has joined the GitHub Marketplace that enables you to use the JFrog CLI in your GitHub Actions workflows to move your builds through development, test, and release.

Codefresh adds native integration for DigitalOcean Kubernetes clusters

Today we are adding native support for DigitalOcean clusters to Codefresh. You could already connect DigitalOcean Clusters as generic clusters in the past (Codefresh works with any cluster that is compliant with the Kubernetes API) but today the process becomes much easier. One of the most important advantages of Codefresh CI/CD is the ability to work with any cloud and git provider.

Introducing the World's First CI/CD Live Debugging Tool

Today we’re announcing the first-ever solution for live debugging a CI/CD pipeline. You can now place stop/resume breakpoints and inspect live pipelines in the same way that developers debug their applications. It’s the easiest, fastest way to troubleshoot and fix bugs in complex pipelines. Live debugging is very well known to software developers and is one of the most efficient ways to find and fix bugs in application code.

We're Honored: Bank of America Recognizes JFrog for Enterprise DevOps Innovation

Being innovative is like being handsome. It only counts when others think so. When Bank of America honors you for being innovative and improving how their 30,000 developers perform, it’s a very handsome compliment. At the 11th Bank of America Technology Innovation Summit, JFrog was recognized for industrial leadership and excellence in providing global business solutions. This year, JFrog was one of only two technology companies honored for its strong partnership with the firm.

Load Up and Drive Cloud DevSecOps on Azure

At JFrog, we think enabling DevSecOps in the cloud should be as easy as ordering from a drive-up window. Getting the tools you need for digital transformation should only be a short stop on your long journey. And you should be able to get it your way, on the cloud services platforms you choose. That’s why we’re excited to announce the availability of JFrog Cloud Pro X on Azure Marketplace.