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Chef vs Puppet: Differences, Similarities, and How to Choose

Chef and Puppet are two popular tools for configuration management. These type of tools help engineers to maintain a consistent configuration in all servers. For instance, all servers might need to have IIS with a binding to port 443 for HTTPS access and the respective firewall rule for inbound traffic. More importantly, if anyone removes the firewall rule, these type of tools will keep consistency by creating the firewall rule again.

Working On Hitting a Release Cadence? CI/CD Observability Can Help You Get There

We recently sponsored our partner CloudBees’ conference DevOps World & JenkinsWorld in San Francisco and our message “Observe how Customers Experience Your Build” resonated well with the folks we met. Release engineers are critical to the continuous delivery cycle and knowing the right time to ship is important for internal business stakeholders but more importantly end-user customers and especially if it’s a significant release.

Harness Your Deployment Superpowers With Honeybadger's Orb For CircleCI

Palantir orbs, the Globe of Peace, Thief Raid, Trine, Prophecy Records, Ood Translators — the list of important orbs throughout history is quite long. However, the Honeybadger orb for CircleCI gives you deployment super powers. Do those other “important” orbs offer this feature? I didn’t think so!

How to build a CICD pipeline for Serverless apps with TravisCI

Seed is a fully managed CI/CD pipeline for Serverless Framework applications. In one of our previous posts we looked at how to build a CI/CD pipeline for Serverless apps on AWS with CircleCI. Today, we’ll look at how to do the same with Travis CI. The purpose of these posts is to dive deep into real-world CI/CD setups, something which most of the tutorials out there skip. We’ll try to illustrate how to set up something similar to Seed but using Travis CI instead.

Setting up a CI/CD pipeline with Jenkins, Nexus, and Kubernetes

This is the first in a series of tutorials on setting up a secure production-grade CI/CD pipeline. We’ll use Kublr to manage our Kubernetes cluster, Jenkins, Nexus, and your cloud provider of choice or a co-located provider with bare metal servers. A common goal of SRE and DevOps practitioners is to enable development and QA teams. We developed a list of tools and best practices that will allow them to iterate quickly, get instant feedback on their builds and failures, and experiment.

16 Ways to Speed Test Automation Using a CI/CD Pipeline

Test automation plays a significant role in software development. It improves speed, better detects errors and bugs, is repeatable, scalable, has broader coverage, and more. Let’s take a look at test automation using a CI/CD pipeline. In today’s competitive world, great speed in developing software, features, and fixes are vital.

Treading in Haunted Graveyards

At Honeycomb, we’ve often discussed the value of making software deployments early and often, and being able to understand your code as it runs in production. However, these principles aren’t specific to only your customer-facing software. Configuration-as-code, such as Terraform, is in fact code that needs to go through a release process as well. Lacking formal process around Terraform deployment means a de-facto process that generates reliability risk.