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Test Automation Tools to Accelerate CI/CD

So much of our world has moved away from the slow and methodical, towards the agile and iterative. In transport, for example, everything is “on demand”, constantly changing and adaptable. The same is true for developers. With movements and philosophies such as CI/CD, everything is about moving quickly, yet smartly. Test automation is an integral part of this development philosophy.

Shipping Clean Code at Sentry with Linters, Travis CI, Percy, & More

Shipping clean, safe, and correct code is a high priority for engineering at Sentry. Bugs are best discovered before they hit production because afterward they have real user impact and can drain even a high-performing team’s resources quickly. The later in the development cycle a bug is found, the longer it will take to fix.

Jenkins in a Nutshell

In many projects, the product development workflow has three main concerns: building, testing, and deployment. Each change to the code means something could accidentally go wrong, so in order to prevent this from happening developers adopt many strategies to diminish incidents and bugs. Jenkins, and other continuous integration tools (CI) are used together with a source version software (such as GIT) to test and quickly evaluate the updated code.

Docker scanning for Jenkins CI/CD security with the Sysdig Secure plugin.

In this blog post we’ll cover how to implement Docker Scanning for Jenkins with the Sysdig Secure Jenkins plugin. The plugin can be used in both freestyle and pipeline jobs to scan images and fail the build if the image fails a policy evaluation.

Principles for Continuous Integration

Get a decent source code management system like Github, Gitlab or Bitbucket etc. Every one uses the same code and keeps upto date with base line. this reduces the merge conflict issues. Don’t put every thing in SCM but everything you need to do a build should be in there including: test scripts, properties files, database schema, install scripts, and third party libraries

Minimize Risk with Continuous Integration (CI) and Deployment (CD)

Ahoy there. Continuous shipping: a concept many companies talk about but never get around to implementing. In the first post of this three-part series, we discussed the use case for continuous shipping. Let’s move on to part two: the integration and deployment stages of the continuous shipping process. Part three will wrap up the series with a look at the monitoring and feedback phases. All aboard that’s coming aboard.

Modernizing Development with Continuous Shipping

Ahoy there. Continuous shipping: a concept many companies talk about but never get around to implementing. Ever wonder why that is? In the first post of this three-part series, we’ll go over(board) the concept of continuous shipping and why it’s valuable. Parts two and three will deep-dive into the process implementation. Buckle that life jacket; it’s time to set sail.