Jenkins, OpenTelemetry, Observability
If you’re like most organizations, you’re leveraging Jenkins for all sorts of things. Deployment pipelines, automated API tests, even glorified CRON jobs just to name a few.
If you’re like most organizations, you’re leveraging Jenkins for all sorts of things. Deployment pipelines, automated API tests, even glorified CRON jobs just to name a few.
Many of the multi-faceted applications development teams deploy every day are loosely coupled and every service exists to power another service. Most teams developing fullstack applications know that testing the communication between these services essential. Part of the process is testing HTTP request endpoints, and this tutorial focuses on exactly that. I will lead you through learning how to extend the k6 framework to test our HTTP endpoints.
Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery or deployment (CD) cover the process of automatically merging, building, and testing code changes ready for release, and – in the case of continuous deployment – releasing those changes to users. If you’re developing software for others to use, you’ll need to go through some form of build and test process before you make your latest changes available.
Ansible is an open-source IT automation engine that automates provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, orchestration, and many other IT processes. It is one of the most widely-used provisioning tools in the industry to enable infrastructure as code (IAC), made popular by its ease of use and simple, but powerful automation. With easy integration, you can use Ansible and Spot to fully automate and optimize your cloud infrastructure.
Codefresh has recently launched a new certification program that offers organizations and the open-source community a fast track to learning GitOps and how you can apply it to new and existing applications and infrastructure. These certificates can be earned through 3 courses and a final exam.