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Cloudsmith is ISO27001:2013 Certified

When planning our 2021 roadmap this time last year, one of the most prominent themes was security. Although we’re not solely in the security category, as a fully managed service in the heart of our customers’ software supply chains, it was always paramount for what we do and still is. Ensuring the integrity and privacy of customer data is our top priority.

Share and Reuse Your Argo Workflows with the Codefresh Hub for Argo

Anyone who builds a lot of Argo workflows knows that after a while you end up reusing the same basic steps over and over again. While Argo Workflows has a great mechanism to prevent duplicate work, with templates, these templates have mostly stayed in people’s private repositories and haven’t been shared with the broader community.

Malicious npm Packages Are After Your Discord Tokens - 17 New Packages Disclosed

The JFrog Security research team continuously monitors popular open source software (OSS) repositories with our automated tooling, and reports any vulnerabilities or malicious packages discovered to repository maintainers and the wider community. Most recently we disclosed 11 malicious packages in the PyPI repository, a discovery that shows attacks are getting more sophisticated in their approach.

Elastic Observability 7.16: Ad hoc analytics and CI/CD pipeline visibility

Elastic Observability 7.16 introduces curated data exploration views for ad hoc analysis and further extends visibility into complex and distributed systems with the general availability (GA) of dozens of prebuilt Elastic Agent data integrations, observability tooling for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, and a new native data source integration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) FireLens. These new features allow customers to.

Using Codefresh with GKE Autopilot for native Kubernetes pipelines and GitOps deployment

Several companies nowadays offer a cloud-native solution that manages Kubernetes applications and services. While these solutions seem easy at first glance, in reality, they still require manual maintenance. As an example, an important decision for any Kubernetes cluster is the number of nodes and the autoscaling rules you define.

Deploying a Gatsby site to Netlify using CircleCI

Gatsby is a static website and application generator that makes building powerful React-based frontend applications easy and effective. With over fifty thousand stars on GitHub (51.5k as at the time of this writing), Gatsby stands as one of the most widely used React frameworks. Gatsby is so popular that most hosting platforms offer custom support for the framework. Netlify is one of those platforms.

Preparing your team for continuous deployment

A key goal for any DevOps team is to shorten the software development cycle and provide continuous delivery of high-quality software. Instead of continuing to the next logical goal, continuous deployment, most companies stop here. Developed code reaches the testing phase automatically, then, successful testing triggers a manual acceptance step. Only then is the application deployed into production.

Unit testing vs integration testing

Software is one of the most complex tools invented for practical use. One misplaced character can break an entire application. So, careful testing is an essential requirement before publishing any code. In this article, you will learn about two fundamental types of software testing, unit testing and integration testing, and how your team can implement them in your CI/CD pipelines to validate your code quickly and deliver new features to your users with confidence.

Applied GitOps with Kustomize

Have you always wanted to have different settings between production and staging but never knew how? You can do this with Kustomize! Kustomize is a CLI configuration manager for Kubernetes objects that leverage layering to preserve the base settings of the application. This is done by overlaying the declarative YAML artifacts to override default settings without actually making any changes to the original manifest.