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Integrating OpenTelemetry with Grafana for Better Observability

Modern application observability is essential for ensuring system performance, diagnosing issues, and optimizing user experiences. OpenTelemetry (Otel) and Grafana serve as two key components in achieving end-to-end visibility. While OpenTelemetry focuses on instrumenting applications to collect telemetry data, Grafana specializes in visualizing this data, making it actionable and insightful.

OpenTelemetry UI: The Ultimate Guide for Developers

If you’ve ever struggled with understanding distributed traces, managing metrics, or debugging complex applications, OpenTelemetry is your best friend. But what about the OpenTelemetry UI? How do you visualize and interact with all that telemetry data? In this guide, we’ll explore the best ways to use OpenTelemetry’s UI options, from setting up a proper observability stack to choosing the right front-end visualization tools.

Logging vs. Metrics

When discussing observability, the “big 3” - logs, metrics, and traces, always get mentioned. But for some, more data doesn’t always mean better. Our lead engineer, JJ, had some advice to share about how logs may not be necessary for everyone. Simplifying your observability stack isn’t difficult - you just need to be intentional with implementation. Check out more MetricFire blog posts below, and our hosted Graphite service! Get a free trial and start using MetricFire now!

How to Rent a VPS Server in Germany: a Comprehensive Guide

In today's digital world, having a reliable server is essential for businesses and individuals alike. Whether you're looking to host a website, manage applications, or store data, renting a server in Germany can be a smart choice. In this article, we will guide you through the process of renting a server, explain what to look for in terms of specifications, and help you choose the right hardware to meet your needs.

Introducing Puppet Core: Vendor-Backed Platform Automation for Security, Reliability & Stability

Today, I’m excited to share that Perforce Puppet has launched the first build of Puppet Core! Here’s why the inaugural release of this new product marks a huge step forward for Open Source Puppet users.

How Finance Tech Will Change After the 2025 EU DORA Mandate

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) has already begun to reshape the financial landscape in the European Union and beyond. As of January 2025, EU financial entities and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) third-party providers must demonstrate robust operational resilience against ICT disruptions.

Microsoft Azure is Going Secure by Default. Are You Ready?

Developers aren't lazy – but sometimes cloud service defaults can be. Here’s what to look out for, and how Azure is changing the game. Let’s face it: Developers can sometimes be labeled as “laissez faire” when it comes to security. But is that really fair? In reality, it’s not about being lax or lazy; it’s about the default configurations of many cloud services setting the security bar too low on initial deployment.

How are your staff using AI? Why you need a company AI policy

As generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Gemini continue to revolutionize the way we work, offering benefits such as increased efficiency and productivity, their adoption has seen a significant surge in workplaces throughout 2024, with 75% of employees globally reporting that they used AI tools at work, according to Gartner.