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Automation Cheat Sheet: How Telco Leaders Ace the Test of Driving Process Efficiency

Telecommunication (Telco) companies everywhere share a similar vision: future-proofing their organizations for an unpredictable era of challenges and opportunities in an unreliable economy. Rebounds from the pandemic started out slow and patchy, and leading up to present day, moves like inflation-laced price increases and merger and acquisition (M&A) deals have ramped up share prices across the global telecoms sector to climb back up from 2020’s rock bottom.

Advanced Access Controls with Mattermost Enterprise Edition

While some smaller companies may only need to use standard access controls to shore up systems, large organizations — particularly those with strict security, confidentiality, and compliance requirements — often require advanced functionality that gives them more authority over which users can access what systems and when.

Why Your Load Balancer Should Be Fast & Flexible

The intersection of economic uncertainty and digital transformation presents a unique challenge for businesses. With the fear of a recession looming overhead, there’s no doubt that choppy waters await, but what does this mean for IT when tech spending can significantly impact the bottom line? While IT spending is a priority for many, businesses are still seeking ways to reduce non-essential spending and upgrade outdated infrastructure.

Introduction to Internal Developer Platforms: What, Why, and How?

For top-notch organizations, staying ahead of the curve is not just a choice; it's a necessity. To meet the growing demands of modern development, organizations are increasingly turning to Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs) as a solution to fine-tune their workflows. This article aims to demystify IDPs, shed light on their benefits, and guide you on how to embark on your IDP journey.

Discover the Root Cause of Your Cloud Spend Issue

If you’re sick with a cold then measuring your body temperature is a wise move or maybe if things are really bad a visit to a doctor might result in testing vs. what are considered “normal” levels in order to diagnose the issue; seasonal flu or infection? To improve our health after picking up a bad bug, we do things that affect our situation back to normal levels once again where we can then declare ourselves healthy.

Top three scorecards every organization needs for operational efficiency

Efficiency has always been a goal for organizations, but recent economic headwinds have made it a priority. Budgets have been stretched especially thin recently, leading many organizations to focus on improving operational efficiency. Bugs, security incidents and unreliable services can all slow your organization down and distract from delivering on your priorities. Cortex helps you minimize these distractions with its scorecard feature.

Canonical releases Ubuntu 23.10 Mantic Minotaur

Today Canonical announced the release of Ubuntu 23.10, codenamed “Mantic Minotaur”, available to download and install from https://ubuntu.com/download. “In this release we’ve raised the bar for what secure by default means for Ubuntu and set the stage for our next Long Term Supported release.” said Oliver Smith, Senior Product Manager for Ubuntu at Canonical.

Ubuntu Desktop 23.10: Mantic Minotaur deep dive

The last interim release before an LTS (Long Term Supported release for those new to the Ubuntu terminology) is a particularly exciting time. This is the release where the team aims to land as many major changes as possible to ensure that the community has the chance to take them for a spin and provide feedback for further refinement ahead of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. These features span the entire Ubuntu Desktop stack, from the user interface, to software management, to core security and architectural changes.

Spot Eco for Azure now supports Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) accounts

Azure Reservations and Savings Plans are discounted pricing models for certain Azure services. By purchasing a reservation or savings plan, you can reduce your costs in Azure by committing to specific usage terms in advance. The commitment gives Azure more visibility into your one-year or three-year resource needs while guaranteeing your usage for the term, and you will enjoy discounts on those core services.

What Is Continuous Security Monitoring Software?

Many DevOps teams work proactively to meet security and compliance standards. They consider security best practices when developing software with open source components, scanning code for vulnerabilities, deploying changes, and maintaining applications and infrastructure. Security is a key feature of many of the tools they’re using, and the policies and industry standards they’re following.