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What's a fair compensation for being on-call?

For the vast majority of organisations, it’s necessary to have some form of round the clock cover to support the business. Whilst it’s most commonly a concern for engineering, it’s increasingly common to have folks from various disciplines available out-of-hours. Irrespective of role, compensating people fairly is an important factor of running a healthy and effective on-call system.

Join the Smart Cloud-Native Revolution

We are in the midst of a digital revolution that started with the PC, Internet, and mobile phone and has continued to accelerate. In this current wave, the cloud, Kubernetes, artificial intelligence (AI), and intelligent automation are combining to create the next major disruption, which we call smart cloud-native. Smart cloud-native is a powerful force that is transforming data centers, workforces, customer experiences, and the way enterprises do business.

Zenoss Core Sunset

Last week, we announced that we are sunsetting Zenoss Community Edition, which was previously called Zenoss Core. (The title of this blog post refers to it as Zenoss Core, as that was the name for most of those 15 years and is the name by which most people know it.) Zenoss Community Edition was a free, on-prem monitoring tool the company made available for over 15 years, which had been downloaded millions of times. Zenoss Community Edition version 1.0 was released Nov. 15, 2006.

Using Telegraf to send syslog metrics to Graphite

When you own and operate software, they generate various types of logs from disparate sources such as databases, servers, and applications. The metrics from these important digital assets are what companies monitor continuously. When they show you a sign of unreliability, companies need to take swift actions to fit the cause and prevent it from growing to a larger problem. The key to success in this activity is owning a good Syslog application and metrics software where you can clearly see metrics.

The Ugly Truth About (Most) Cloud Rightsizing Recommendations

Rightsizing is about finding the optimal cloud configuration options to ensure that you get the performance you need—within any given constraints you are operating under—at the lowest possible cost. This is a simple proposition, but deceptively so. For one thing, business requirements are constantly changing, meaning that your workloads must adapt to support them, which in turn changes their operating parameters.

Foolproof Cloud Monitoring: 6 Ways to Utilize the Tools at Your Disposal

The cloud offers unparalleled flexibility. However, that flexibility comes at a cost. The amount of moving pieces increases. The environment becomes more heterogeneous. So, if you want to stay on top of things, you need a more comprehensive view of your cloud infrastructure. After all, you don’t want your customers to realize that something has gone awry before your people do. In this post, I’m going to talk about cloud monitoring.

Build an automated invoice generator application

As a software engineer and technical content creator, I work with a lot of companies on many different contracts. To get paid for my work, most companies require that I send an invoice. Sometimes they want one daily, at the end of the week, or even when the project has been completed. Sending an invoice to my clients is crucial because it determines when and if I will get paid on time. If this sounds like a repetitive task that can eat deep into my productive hours, you are right.

How to Kustomize your Codefresh/Argo Runtime

The Codefresh Software Delivery Platform (CSDP) brings together the complete open source Argo toolset (Workflows, Events, CD, and Rollouts) into a single platform for enhanced efficiency and visibility of software deployments at massive scale. If you’re a new CSDP user, one of the first things you’ll do is install the CSDP runtime in one of your Kubernetes clusters.

6 Metrics to Watch for on Your Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes. Nowadays it seems companies in the industry are divided into two pools: those that already use it heavily for their production workloads and those that are migrating their workloads into it. The issue with Kubernetes is that it is not a single system the way Redis RabbitMQ or PostgreSQL are. It is a combination of several control plane components (for example etcd, api server) that run our workloads on the user (data) plane over a fleet of VMs.

The Six Trends Overwhelming IT Ops-and What to Do About Them

IT Operations is experiencing lightning-fast change right now. From the emergence of cloud computing to the explosion of data—not to mention ever-present cyber threats—every day is a new day for IT Ops. At BigPanda, we’re laser-focused on making life easier for IT Ops teams, which means we’re staying on top of all this change to help IT Ops keep up.