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Rancher Desktop Now Includes The Rancher Dashboard

With the 1.2.0 release of Rancher Desktop, there are two new features available as a Feature Preview. Rancher, the multi-cluster Kubernetes manager, includes a dashboard which enables you see and interact with resources in a Kubernetes cluster. Rancher Desktop now includes this dashboard. The dashboard will enable you to view and interact with resources in your local cluster provided by Rancher Desktop.

Don't Forget About Kubernetes Jobs - Shipa Jobs Support

When I was making my first switch from a product engineering team to being field facing software engineer, one of my first projects was an integration project for a federal agency. The very first piece of enterprise software minus my productivity and development suite I was exposed to was BMC’s Control-M about 15 years ago. A lot of batch files to extract and transform data had to be run in order and on a daily basis; Control-M at the time was a job runner.

How to Model Your Gitops Environments and Promote Releases between Them

Two of the most important questions that people ask themselves on day 2 after adopting GitOps are: In the previous article of the series, I focused on what NOT to do and explained why using Git branches for different environments is a bad idea. I also hinted that the “environment-per-folder” approach is a better idea. This article has proved hugely popular and several people wanted to see all the details about the suggested structure for environments when folders are used.

Benefits of scheduling continuous integration pipelines

Scheduling is an integral part of software development practices. Tools for scheduling jobs help development teams save time by scheduling recurring tasks — like modifying a database or sending out periodic emails — for execution at specified times. There are many to choose from, including cron for Linux, scheduled tasks for Windows, launchd for macOS, Jobber, and anacron.

Logic App Best practices, Tips and Tricks: #7 Learn from failures

Welcome once again to another Logic App Best practices, Tips, and Tricks. In my previous blog posts, I talked about some of the most essential best practices you should have while working with the Azure Logic App: And some tips and tricks: Today I’m going to speak about another critical Best practice, Tips, and Tricks that is often overlooked: learning from failures.

A practical approach to Active Directory Domain Services, Part 2: Active Directory and the Domain Name System

For readers who have returned to this blog after understanding the basics of Active Directory (AD) in part 1 of this series, welcome back! For all new readers: Hello! Get ready to jump into the world of AD. It would be good to take a quick peek at what was covered in part 1 before you continue. Be sure to read through part 1 as it will be your guide to: Part 2 of this series aims to introduce the interrelation of AD with the Domain Name System (DNS).

How to Scale your AWS Infrastructure - Part 2

Welcome to the second post in a series of “How to Scale your AWS Infrastructure”. In the first post, we talked about horizontal scaling, autoscaling, CI/CD, infrastructure automation, containerization, etc. In this post, we will continue the discussion around databases, loose coupling, caching, CDN, etc. Let’s start the discussion with database scaling.

Podcast: Break Things on Purpose | Chris Martello: Day of Darkness

Dad jokes lead the way in this episode as we interview Chris Martello, manager of application performance at Cengage. Chris is a wearer of many testing hats, but his passion is chaos and breaking things on purpose. Chaos was a natural fit for Chris with his background as a middle school science teacher, so when he made the jump to tech chaos engineering was a natural fit.

PagerDuty Runbook Automation Joins the PagerDuty Process Automation Portfolio

Spring is blooming here at PagerDuty, and so is our automation product line. We’re thrilled to share some exciting product announcements. First, we’ve officially rebranded our automation product line, Rundeck®, as PagerDuty® Process Automation. Fundamentally, everyone who buys Rundeck becomes a PagerDuty customer, so we decided to make it less confusing.