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A Day in the Life: Intelligent Observability at Work with our SRE, Dinesh

When I asked Charlie for permission to attend this year’s AICon (virtual, natch) I thought it would be a shoo-in; learning’s part of my OKRs after all. But he never makes things easy and his ‘yes’ came with a caveat that’s typical when dealing with him. This time, he claimed he didn’t have the budget for the ticket (a likely story!) and I’d have to find another way to get one.

WTF is Incident Management? Post-Panel Wrap-Up

That's a wrap! We hosted "WTF is Incident Management" on May 12, 2021. We invited four very knowledgeable panelists to discuss how they define incident management, what changes they'd make if they could start again from scratch, how to manage team stress after an incident, and other subjects. Our panelists were: host Matt Stratton (Staff Developer Advocate at Pulumi), Emily Ruppe (Incident Commander at Twilio), Alina Anderson (Sr.

Enterprise Alert Alarm Center. A NOC's best friend.

Over time, Enterprise Alert continues to grow and more and more teams are starting to benefit from Enterprise Alert’s reliable alerting. As part of this process, Enterprise Alert almost always becomes a central component of the NOC and has practically trained the NOC admins. For this reason, here in support we rarely have the pleasure of presenting the features of our alarm center.

New Event Source - Website Monitoring

Enterprise Alert is constantly evolving to provide our customers with new ways to implement event sources and use new features. With version 9, several new features have been implemented that make it easier for customers to create alerts for specific processes and events. These include the new “Website Monitoring” event source.

Self-Service for Teams in Enterprise Alert

A few days ago I had an insightful conversation with one of our customers who inspired me to write this blog. He, like so many other customers, was facing the problem that his Enterprise Alert management overhead was increasing with each new team he added, as he had been managing resources such as event sources, notification channels and alert policies for the new teams as well. His question to us, therefore, was whether he could not also put these management tasks in the hands of the teams.

SRE vs. DevOps [Understanding Differences & Similarities]

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) and DevOps share a goal of building a bridge between development and operations. We'll explore and compare both approaches. Wondering to yourself, which is better for your company, SRE or DevOps? Neither SRE or DevOps is “better,” exactly, since they’re similar yet different in a few key ways: SRE, or site reliability engineering, is a methodology developed by Google engineer Ben Treynor Sloss in 2003.

Make your Onboarding Experience Better with a Murder Mystery Game

Onboarding a new tool can be boring. Or stressful. Or both. When onboarding an incident response tool, it can be difficult to make sure that your team is getting the most from the experience. Do you opt for a run-of-the-mill meeting, or try to learn while in an incident? Neither option is ideal. That’s why Petal’s DevOps Engineer Michael Cole found a new way to get his team using Blameless for their incident response process.