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How to Implement Network Policy in Amazon EKS to Secure Your Cluster

By default, pods are non-isolated; they accept traffic from any source. The Amazon EKS solution to this security concern is Network Policy that lets developers control network access to their services. Amazon EKS comes configured with Network Policy using Project Calico which can be used to secure your clusters. This class will describe a few use cases for network policy and a live demo implementing each use case.

DX NetOps 20.2 Solves For Network Congestion with Industry's First AI-Driven Network Monitoring Tool

DX NetOps 20.2 network monitoring software powered by Broadcom Silicon and BroadView™ Telemetry delivers the industry’s first AI-driven, high scale operations monitoring and analytics solution. As a global infrastructure technology and software solutions leader, Broadcom provides next-generation network monitoring software that simplifies 5G, IoT, Cloud and SD-WAN deployments by applying AI and ML to the rich granular data captured at the chip level to enable a uniquely automated AI-driven solution that remediates network congestion.

Using Elasticsearch as a Time-Series Database in the Endpoint Agent

At ThousandEyes and the Endpoint Agent, we have a track record of using Elasticsearch as a time-series database for the metrics that we collect from our agents. I will be presenting how we decided to use Elasticsearch as a Time Series Database (TSDB), and how we got buy-in from stakeholders. Stathis spent several years in Athens, Greece, as a Software Engineer before moving to London. Enjoys working with large distributed systems using technologies like Elasticsearch, Kafka, Java, Kotlin. Wants to build his own tech when he grows up.

Coffee Break: SCOM Update Rollup 1

Heard about the SCOM Update Rollup 1 but unsure of exactly what it includes? Let Shawn Williams, SquaredUp Technical Evangelist and Leon Laude, SCOM Consultant and author of popular ‘The System Center Blog’ break it down for you. Among other topics, they will cover updates announced at Ignite 2019 vs what’s been included, new features and fixes, a step-by-step guide to updating and the most useful resources to get started.

Release Webinar: SquaredUp 4.6

Join our Senior Product Team for an in-depth tour of SquaredUp v4.6. John Shaw (Chief Product Officer) and John Knowles (Director of Products) will take you through the impressive product enhancements included in our latest release. Improvements spanning both our SCOM and Azure products include Dark Theme Open Access and Dashboard Pack upgrades. Azure-specific upgrades include deeper insights from Azure Cost Management, Azure Lighthouse support and an improved trial and install experience.

Master Class - PCI Compliance and Vulnerability Management for Kubernetes - 2020-05-05

This is the Rancher Master Class with NeuVector that was held on May 5, 2020. In it NeuVector talks about the challenges with PCI-DSS compliance when working with Kubernetes and presents strategies for securing containers and content, both using OSS tools and with their paid solutions.

How to Implement Network Policy in Azure AKS to Secure Your Cluster

By default, pods are non-isolated; they accept traffic from any source. The Azure AKS solution to this security concern is Network Policy that lets developers control network access to their services. The Azure AKS comes configured with Network Policy using Project Calico which can be used to secure your clusters. This class will describe a few use cases for network policy and a live demo implementing each use case.