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HAProxyConf 2019 - Programmatic HAProxy Configuration Using the Data Plane API with Chad Lavoie

This presentation will provide an overview of the new Data Plane API, which you can use to configure your load balancer using HTTP REST commands. You will learn how to get started and how to build tools to work with it. You will also learn how to configure a frontend/backend and modify a configuration using the API.

How to Add a Device | Obkio's Network Device Monitoring Solution Installation Tutorial

In this short video, Obkio CEO, Jean-Francois Levesque, teaches you how to quickly set up and monitor a device using Obkio's Network Device Monitoring Solution. Obkio's Device Monitoring feature is a fast and easy solution to help you get detailed information about the health of devices, such as as firewalls, routers, switches wifi access points, and other devices crucial for IT teams. Used with the end-to-end Network Performance Monitoring feature, it helps IT teams pinpoint issues quickly and efficiently.

#ITConnections - Unified Communications Delivery Challenges

Managing the customer lifecycle efficiently becomes even more critical when we see an unprecedented shift to remote work as we have in the past few months. How can you continue to deliver exceptional service quality as demand from remote workers surge?

What's new in Pandora FMS Release 745 7.0 NG

Find out all the new features included in Pandora FMS Release 745 here. If we had to give a name to this release, we would definitely call it WUX 3.0, or the Great User Experience Monitoring Development. We have changed the way Pandora FMS scans network elements and now Discovery is smarter and discovers many more elements automatically.

Elastic's Guide to Keeping Services up and Running with Real-time Visibility

Learn how to start monitoring in minutes, keep your networks up and running, and make sure citizens have continuous access to digital portals and services. Increased traffic. New users on the network. Data sharing at unprecedented levels. Meet all the challenges coming your way with the free and open Elastic Stack.