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Helm 3: Navigating to Distant Shores

Since its initial debut 5 years ago Kubernetes has grown up quite a bit, but one thing hasn’t changed: writing Kubernetes manifest files from scratch is hard. In fact, it’s borderline discouraging for new users looking to use the defacto container orchestrator. Thus, the need for a package manager was born: Helm. Helm is almost as old as Kubernetes (it’s about 4 years) old and Helm 2 is a merger of two code bases, which made for some interesting ways of approaching even the most basic of security concerns (say, RBAC for instance). If you’re familiar with Helm you already know how useful it is, but there are features you’d like added, some updates you’ve wished for, and a major component you’d like removed: Tiller.

Console Connect by PCCW Global Case Study | Hong Kong Tourism Board

Console Connect by PCCW Global is dedicated to helping broadcasting organisations overcome the barriers and complexity of connecting their business critical applications. See how we enabled Hong Kong Tourism Board to scale up and down on-demand easily and how the benefits of Console Connect allowed them to attract the best talent and increase an ever wider audience. VR and higher resolutions mean more bandwidth and lower latency for the wider ecosystem of broadcasters and streaming organizations and Console Connect is here to support you.

T-Mobile's New Mobile App is Powered by Elasticsearch

T-Mobile is one of the leading mobile phone providers. Its mobile app for Android and Apple iOS is powered by Elasticsearch. Ever since T-Mobile rolled out its new app, rebuilt from the ground up, the app's customer ratings have skyrocketed while at the same time the app has become a marketing bonanza for T-Mobile.

October Online Meetup: Hands on with Rancher 2 3 -- The Enterprise Cluster Command Center

Kubernetes enables a common compute platform across any infrastructure and a consistent set of infrastructure capabilities including improved reliability, enhanced security and increased operational efficiencies. But as organizations adopt Kubernetes, clusters are often deployed with limited access to shared tooling and services, inconsistent security policies and no centralized cluster operations.

Uptrends - Introducing Self-Service Transactions

We’ve had Web Application Monitoring for years. After recording, our Support team tweaks and tests transaction scripts for you (this is still an option). With Self-Service Transactions (SST), you can now write and manage your own scripts. If you have a Business or Enterprise account, you can start using Self-Service Transactions during the final stages of our beta testing.