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Celebrating 2023: NinjaOne's Year in Review

Join us for a walk down memory lane as we explore the products, features, and enhancements we brought to our customers this year. We’re bringing some special guests to walk through the capabilities we’re most excited about and show off how they’re used by customers in the field. Best of all, we’ve got a sneak peek at what’s coming up next in early 2024.

OpenTelemetry vs Jaeger : Comparing Apple and Oranges

Open telemetry works with all the three signals i.e. it help in generating all the three signals while Jaeger only focuses on one signal (traces). The second key difference is Jaeger doesn't worry about generating data. It's more focused on the UI visualization long term storage of traces data while OpenTelemetry primarily focused on generating traces data.

How to build workflows in OneUptime and integrate OneUptime with anything?

OneUptime is a complete open-source observability platform. It allows you to create workflows and integrate with over 5000 different services and products without writing any code. This integration capability allows OneUptime to connect with the rest of your software stack. Building workflows in OneUptime likely involves defining the sequence of operations that should occur based on certain triggers or conditions. These workflows can help automate processes, such as incident management, alerting the right people at the right time, and more.

ES|QL Live: Empowering Your Data Journey

Meet ES|QL – Elasticsearch's flexible, powerful, and robust piped query language. Our next-generation piped query language and engine is designed for seamless searching, filtering, aggregation, calculation, transformation, and visualization of your data. Join Elastic and our customer CDW for an exclusive unveiling of this game-changing tool that will redefine how you engage with your data. CDW’s security team tested ES|QL in beta for its security use case, and this is your chance to hear CDW’s initial impressions of adapting to a new syntax and the impressive results achieved – so far.

Accelerate development and optimize in-field device quality with remote debugging and monitoring

Ensuring high product quality & reliability extends beyond lab testing. Field conditions and ever-changing device ecosystems require continual adjustments for seamless connectivity, optimal battery life, and sustained interoperability. A robust pipeline to capture, analyze, and alert on device reliability data is critical to maximize yield, optimize performance, and stay ahead of problems that emerge in the field.