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What is Business Transaction Tracking?

When conducting business online it is vital to be able to track all parts of any financial transactions conducted by your organization. Where different companies are working together on different steps in the process, this isn't always simple to achieve. It is important to ensure that there is an appropriate level of observability at the heart of all of your systems and that it is easy to track the result of business decisions to real-world actions.

How to Install Apache ActiveMQ on Debian 11

Apache ActiveMQ is a free and open-source message broker developed by Apache Software Foundation. It is one of the well-known message brokers that supports multiple protocols such as AMQP, MQTT, Stomp, and OpenWire. It is written in Java and fully compliant with JMS 1.1 standards. Apache ActiveMQ is one of the most popular message brokers that support different types of programming languages that can be deployed on multiple platforms.

Where Does Middleware Stand in Web Development?

Before we go ahead with the topic, the readers must have some prior knowledge about web development and Middleware. As observed by its name, Web development is a field of computer science. The developers are responsible for developing websites, whether they are for the internet, intranet, single-page website, blog sites, or complete social media platforms. Middleware acts as a glow-in as it provides the path between the front end and back end of a computer or android based application.

Celery worker | Tutorial on how to set up with Flask & Redis

Celery worker is a simple, flexible, and reliable distributed system to process vast amounts of messages while providing operations with the tools required to maintain such a system. In this tutorial, we will learn how to implement Celery with Flask and Redis. Before we deep dive into the tutorial, let’s have a brief overview of Celery workers.

Kafka Summit 2022

We had a fantastic time at the Kafka Summit in London this year. It was so great to be meeting everyone face to face again after such a long break. It was interesting to see how people had progressed with their Kafka implementations. At the 2019 event people were just getting started trying out Kafka in small test environments but no one had enough production experience to know understand their needs for management at scale and production support.

Karapace Schema Registry add-on for Apache Kafka is now in public preview

We noticed this new announcement for Kafka users which may be worth looking into: “Instaclustr is pleased to announce the immediate availability of a new Kafka add-on, Karapace Schema Registry, in public preview, on our managed platform. This follows our earlier announcement of Karapace as part of our comprehensive Apache Kafka support solutions in mid March.

MQ application compatibility across a quarter century

I was working on something recently where I had to upgrade various components in the tooling. And I was getting more and more annoyed that the upgrades broke my existing programs and scripts. None of that was MQ’s fault and I’ll write more about the project once it’s available alongside the newly-announced MQ 9.3. But it got me thinking about the efforts we’ve made to keep MQ application compatibility across its lifetime.

Reducing Toil with Developer Collaboration Tools

Ask any engineer what they’d like to eliminate from their daily to-do list, and the answer will almost certainly be some version of reducing toil. Engineering organizations can burn hours and hours of work time on repetitive, manual tasks that reduce bandwidth for high-impact projects. That being the case, it’s no surprise that reducing toil helps your team work more productively and experience better job satisfaction in the long run.